Coronavirus - Here come the variants


A fine post there bucko. I think you could lump in a bit about the herd immunity status/benefits of free states etc- just to sickening the lidtfers completely

Places with lockdowns had mixed results. Places without lockdowns had mixed results. No obvious difference. Lockdowns are incredibly destructive. Let’s have a lockdown.

Get back under that fuckin bed

Unspecified vaccine :rollseyes:

Two shots of a QBZ-95 vaccine.


The Guardian will be devastated when this is all over

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One of the Chinese vaccines doesn’t provide protection until nine weeks after vaccination and another only provides a fairly low level of cover anyway.

The Government really need to muzzle these lads

GP Dr Denis McCauley said last night people need to remind themselves that even with the best vaccine, there is a one-in-20 chance of getting the virus.

But due to the protection of being fully vaccinated, people might imagine they “are not 70 but 55”.

He said they could assume “they are little bit younger”.

Dr McCauley pointed out there are a lot of people who have been terrified to go out but if they are fully vaccinated it will allow them latitude – although it is essential to follow public health guidelines and the rules around lockdown.

These press conferences are doing nothing only muddying the waters and giving the loons on NPHET a platform to spout whatever personal agenda they might have.


A few kites being flown about a relaxation of the 5k limit to 8k

Only a fool would say we should use the Chinese vaccines

The over 70s that are vaccinated should in the fucking pub !

What’s the point of the vaccines!!!

It’s up to us now. The people will stop this.

It is understood new guidance will allow fully vaccinated over-70s, who are two weeks on from their second dose, to avail of the freedoms given to the wider population.

We’re living through a mass psychosis when vaccinations don’t seem to end this


We just need to do a bit more for the next 3 months
Not enough people willing to put on the green jersey


That’s the wrong attitude