Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Certainly. And then there are other sceptics who believe it’s just a conspiracy on behalf of wibble wobble wibble.

The old saw about lies, damned lies and statistics has never been proven more as the figures are twisted and turned to make all positions proven.

Me, I believe lockdown works when applied properly and enforced. Now that’ll get the OIUTFers agitated, particularly the enforcement bit. Screaming and whinging about their rights and freedoms being taken away. Well tough. You have neither the right nor the freedom to endanger large sections of the population with your selfishness.

Would there be an uninhabited island somewhere we could invite them too, throw in a few confirmed cases of Covid and leave them at it? We could even leave a lorryload or two of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, disinfectant and any other quack medicine they want. We’ll see about their herd immunity then. Oh! They’ll not need any doctors or nurses cos, sure it’s only a flu.


You’ll be banning a lot of things so I take it?

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For the moment, no. Just limiting the spread of a highly infectious disease which has fatal consequences for too many.

So I see by their third paragraph that
“lockdowns have proven to be a complete failure as a public health measure”

China disproves that. Or did China not get the virus under control by implementing a huge and strict lockdown?

The virus had been floating around Europe since at least November 2019. Wuhan alone had two daily flights to the state of California alone prior to their lockdown. Hundreds of thousands of lads from wuhan left the city to go elsewhere in china in the week leading up to their lockdown.
I’ll reserve my judgement on the official narrative


But thanks for reading it, it’s more than I did

Like drinking alcohol, driving cars, fatty foods

Wow :clap:

You don’t really get it do you?

We’ve already banned drinking alcohol & driving but there are still some cunts about who persist.

Yes ppl die from excess consumption of alcohol and fatty foods. But they’re not killing other people by doing it. So that’s apersonal choice in many cases. There’s another argument about treatment of people whose lifestyle makes them ill but that’s not what this is about.

There are laws which constrict your right to drive. Why? For the most part they’re there for public safety. Maybe you’d like all those laws scrapped. Let anybody and everybody drive in whatever manner they choose. That’s the equivalent of your OIUTF stance.


If they are taking up ICU space that is denied another person they are. They also place an undue burden on health system.

Post Covid will governments be breve enough to point out the biggest risk factor apart from
Age was obesity and people are killing themselves through sheer gluttony.

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@TheUlteriorMotive maybe you didn’t see that bit.

Hopefully post Covid it is looked at without being shouted down as fat shaming.

It’s a fair enough subject for debate. People do need to take personal responsibility for their health. Of course, the health systems North & South are very different and I don’t really know how the South’s works in detail.

New Zealand implemented lockdown. Very few fatalities, economy up and running, people back at sporting events, cafes and restaurants open. Clearly works if done properly.

Restrictions without border controls are not lockdowns. Allowing non essential travel in and out of the country falls outside the definition of a lockdown.

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Wonderful post.

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Was that the case? Just the 4? Fuck me, I even bought into the ‘shoot the cunts’ mantra that day. Their crimes were minor in hindsight.

Another thing that grates by the NPHET’s/George Lee’s of this world is the line about it being only a Mickey Mouse strain of a thing last year and now it’s a totally different beast.

Thank you, kind sir.

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Is it going to be sunny and will the bars be open? If so sign me up. :pint:

As it’s (up till now) uninhabited it’ll be BYOBs. The sun I can’t speak for.

I’ll take that chance. On your point about alcohol only harming the individual that’s completely wrong. The link between alcohol and violence, domestic abuse, sexual assault, gbh, neglect and so on is well established. We have accepted this as a society as prohibition doesn’t work.