Coronavirus - Here come the variants

'mon the tans

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Fair point. Though would it be true to say that the inability to drink responsibly is a particular trait throughout the British Isles?

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It’s a particular trait all over the world.

No I don’t get it. I don’t get the justification for lockdowns and disproportionate restrictions, particularly when those places that didn’t have them fared no worse.

But let’s plow on anyway. It’s not like the lockdown is harming anyone


Came into town to get pizza dough. Decent crowd knocking about. Takeaway pints on the go with lots of people. I had a Nutella crepe.

All with a Garda helicopter hovering menacingly overhead.


What you are in favor of is an elimination or zero Covid strategy, not a suppression or “living with Covid” strategy, which is what almost all western countries have adopted. It’s important to make that distinction as if the goal is minimizing death, a zero Covid strategy is all that has been demonstrated to work. How do we know this? Because the death rate is now almost the same in every country that has tried “living with Covid”.

Can it be done? Of course it can, China demonstrated this as you said. What does it look like? You stop all travel in and out of the country (or province or city), everyone except those involved in health care, food production and delivery, and shooting the disobedient stay at home. You keep this up for a few months and Covid is gone. You can open up then and allow travel to and from other places that have zero Covid; Samoa, Grenada, the Isle of Man, Fiji, Greenland, etc. You cannot open up to countries that have Covid cases or everything you have done was a waste of time.

It’s obviously what we should have done, but we didn’t. We now have an endemic disease which is most likely with us forever like the flu, with new variants constantly emerging that evade our existing vaccines and require new annual vaccines. We can obviously greatly suppress the existing virus with vaccines but the virus will find ways to thwart us, they are smart little cunts.

They need to ramp up operation transformation but with nphet running the show. Using same fear tactics as covid for obesity. We should see a drastic reduction in fat cunts

Ah they can keep Davy. He has the gravitas to speak to the nation.

525/9. Ye need to do more lads.

You’ve been more than fair with them

We have become complacent

Ye deserve a damn good thrashing.

We need Dr Tony to come back swinging his cape asap. No one ever listens to Dr Ronan Glynn

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The spike from Cheltenham drinking parties has yet to kick in.

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We need to be sealed into our homes like the Chinese were anything else is only a cod

I’m hearing awful awful stories about some of them. Incredible. Cuntishness of the highest order.

They’ve fucked us again.

Ireland’s greatest enemy has always been from within

Not like you to criticise FFG

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