Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The lockdown merchants must be rubbing their hands together in glee whenever this absolute cunt makes a statement or observation, what a Jonah to have on your team

A self proclaimed stock market investor with an 8 minute video

And for that reason, I’m out

I think a lot of lads will struggle with life post lockdown. Not having to drive kids here there and everywhere frees up a lot of the day for self actualisation

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No surprise you’ve issues with a person who sticks up for the average working man who has no voice.

Wouldn’t be allowed if she was apart of the right sort of protest.


I’ve issues with McGurk alright.
And I know plenty about the average working man, can you say the same?

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Ya you turn your nose up at them on a daily basis.

That isn’t a sentence, what are you trying to imply?

Freedom of speech is a thing of the past in Ireland.

I’m gone back building walls.


Tbh I’ve no idea on what she was apart of but I know that visual would not be accepted to mainstream Ireland.

The lad that hasn’t worked day in his life harping on about the working man :smiley:

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An awful lot of playing the man going on. Sure ye always have tony and luke to keep you right.

You won’t be able to leave the gaff without a ladder by the time its over


He’s not wrong.

The new laws in UK go beyond Covid or health related restrictions.

First world problems thread


Christ :joy:

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Is that the lad that had the row with Benis O’Drien?