Coronavirus - Here come the variants

How long more is tony hoolihan on leave for?


That’s a false equivalence. There are laws regulating driving to make it safer, like you have to wear a seat belt but they don’t ban driving altogether. I’ve been banned completely from going more than 5km from my house, from meeting friends, etc.


I’m sure it’s not intentional but the barely hidden equivalence of lockdown rebels to drunk driers is despicable. A small crowd of young people gathered to have a bit of craic after being locked up like animals for a year is categorically not immoral. What’s immoral is assuming the human race will continue to propagate and thrive as a species while we deny them the opportunity to meet.


No it’s not. Some of your freedoms to do whatever the hell you like are restricted … temporarily … for the safety of significant sections of the community. Just like you not being allowed to drive at 170kph through built up areas is restricted … to prevent the possibility of you killing people.


False equivalence. Keep digging.

It’s a bit like taigs expecting prods to be miserable on good Friday. Don’t mean to be flippant towards @TheBlackSpot, but once you accept that there’s no evidence that lockdowns work then you kinda have to let people be people. Maybe we could appease the lockdown gods by opening up to fuck while paying tithes, keeping children quiet or promising not to be happy

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You could always take up a sport like shouting at people not wearing masks outside who are 30 feet away from you. I’ve driven a few neighbors to seethe with that strategy.

That’s fair enough. I’ve decided that I cant let the coronacircus pandemonium pass without doing something brave…ir at least brave for me. Tomorrow I’m drawing a line under the mask lie. I’m exempt henceforth.


Every cloud

…says your man.

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The replies. That people feel the need to reply.

As I reply.

Fuck me.

Big Tony the most popular leader

75% in favour of a vaccine passport. People are genuinely pig ignorant, shallow and gullible. I’ve nothing but contempt for anyone in favour of such a scam


Vast majority of people are cabbages. Totally brain dead.


At this stage Paddy would let Bill Gates eat his first born for a chance of pints in Lanzarote


As if he has a choice. Sure bill can eat whoever he wants.

Today’s Sindo fear mongering article reckons that the vaccine only offers limited protection against the virus. That’s not actually true but that’s how the article is presented.

The Covid lads (nefit) are saying that half of those hospitalised are under 70. The inference being that if we OUTF that there will still be people hospitalised.

And yet half of those hospitalised are over 70. Therefore the vaccines will mean this number will plummet meaning the hospitals will be less pressured.

And surely there’s more in the 60-70 bracket being hospitalised than the 50-60 and so on.

It’s just fucking ridiculous. Zero risk appears to be the strategy.

Oh yeah and the variants. The variants! What if there are more variants! So we need to be fearful of diseases that we don’t know about yet also.

I’ll be at the Dail tomorrow at 12 noon.


It seems now if you are protesting and you are arrested and charged for failing to give a name and address or travelling more than 5km RTE will publish your name and address like stubs gazette would do with tax defaulters.

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