Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Her racism is more of an issue than parties in a Castle. Not the kind of individual any OIUTF supporter should be placing on any kind of platform.


Funny how the leaks around the restrictions will be coming up this week and a massive jump in the numbers. The six one took the ball and ran with the jump in numbers compared to last Sunday metric

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Rte blamed the good weather and people being outside. Despite fuck all evidence that covid spreads outdoors. Its quite the opposite

Security to be upped around the Tanaiste, lads need to relax

What a pussy

Itā€™s airborne so itā€™s very probable.

Itā€™s not probable at all.

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Iā€™ve heard of a good few recent infections in homes where one of the Parents is positive, kids positive but the other parent is testing negative numerous times. Wtf like?

What is the actual explanation? Is there any scientific idea of how that is possible when sharing a bed & bathroom etc?

Some people just donā€™t get it. Theyā€™ve thrown out all sorts of theories but in reality they donā€™t know why.

@Bod95 reckoned those in house that took the Vit D supplements didnā€™t catch covid when the others in the house that didnā€™t take them got it.


Martin Luther got far flack for his opinions back in the day. Looknat what heā€™s contributed to human culture. I can see children in the future reading about Ewan McKennas tweets.

At this stage it would be nice to get definitive answers.

Ah stop, youā€™ve over egged it there now :smile:

Swap Ewan for Kev and you have it

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UV light from the sun kills it. Its like its a disease that never developed in Nature.

It could well be the case. I take those supplements and didnā€™t get a sniffle even though the Mrs. had it.

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Testing positive does not mean you have Covid. It means they found traces of the Covid genetic material. The Pcr test is not a diagnostic test.

All hail ewan, we must stop paying reparations to nphet (our time not money) to avoid purgatory(more lockdowns).

Pope Martin I and cardinal holohan will call the top medics to the diet of Tuam to discuss all matters covid

Are they using PcR tests in Hospitals for their testing before admission for Procedures?

Some people put immunity down to the immune system, others think that by wearing masks the virus cant distinguish who it has or hasnā€™t infected.