Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Yeah. My wife had to delay a procedure when she was positive in her test. It’s PCR they use

2007 NYT article was quite prescient

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I remember seeing that fella interviewed on The Tonight Show or maybe the Claire Byrne show some time late last year I think. He was hocking that COVID health passport yoke. Got serious vibes from him that night that he was a complete bullshitter. Turns out that’s being kind to him.

Funny thing in this article is that prof from Maynooth actually says you’ve fuck all chance of getting covid anyway.

He’s inclined to lash out isn’t he. Not the first time he’s done it.

Its like anything kid there can be a stomach bug in the house but for whatever reason someone won’t get it. Luck, better immune system etc etc

Nolan seems a bit thin skinned alright but many academics are. I guess when you become an expert in whatever your particular field is, you are not used to being pulled up on things. So they lash out in that bitchy academic way of theirs.

we had enough for a x3 team 5 a side on the road earlier
at this stage now, there are x2 goals from smyths on our front and they get dragged out now for impromptu games, ah its wonderful to see - today was a glorious day and there was a great gang on them either playing soccer, freeze tag, BMX’ing down the hill or figuring out a way to jump the fence into the building site nearby…2 fellas who are 11, polish organise out the teams and off they go… its unreal to watch
Dunphy would have loved this, i would have tagged it under hashtag footballlovesus on the SRFC page but fellas would probably say this was a superspreader event

i know fellas want them inside in front of youtube but in fairness now i think for everyone’s sake lets just end this charade

“stealth bombers” gerry killeen would call these kids as they went home then and systematically killed their grandparents


There are no definitive answers really. As @TreatyStones says there are multiple factors, whether the infected person has symptoms, how sick they are and how much virus they are shedding. The studies suggest there’s around 10-15% chance of getting infected if someone in your home is infected, but that rises to close to 50% for a spouse, which I suppose makes sense. The pareto principle also seems to apply, as super spreaders are a big factor, people who shed very high amounts of virus and can infect a lot of people in a short time indoors.

As for indoors versus outdoors, the risk of getting infected outdoors is fairly low, you’d need to be fairly close to someone like a face to face conversation or unlucky enough to be near a super spreader. Stagnant air indoors is the worst, the fresh air disperses the virus outside.

Uv light kills most bacteria and viruses, but it’s the UVC type that’s most effective which you can get from lamps, not much reaches the surface of the earth from sunlight as its absorbed in the ozone layer.

The way it should be kid. Kick a ball till its dark

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But there are no costs to closing your borders, it’s all wonderful

The restrictions have hampered the operations of many companies, separated families and upended the lives of thousands of international students. Global companies say their ranks of foreign workers in the country have dwindled sharply.
At a time of strained tensions with the United States and other countries, China is keeping itself safe from the pandemic. At the same time, it risks further isolating its economy, the world’s second-largest, at a moment when its major trade partners are emerging from their own self-imposed slumps.

Yeah, he’s very precious and seems to be a right cunt altogether. I recall him posting a multi-part tweet having a go at Professor Jack Lambert, the infectious diseases fella from the Mater, last year. Lambert had the temerity to say on TV that more should have been done after the first wave to ensure we were in a better position to deal with subsequent ones.


Lambert had two memorable articles highlighting where we could/should improve and he seemed fairly reasonable and a decent. He’s been quiet since then while the “ISAG” goons continue to get wheeled out. It’s a shame because he was reasonable and sensible. It was kind of like when you’d get a sensible poster on here like @Gman or @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in the jack Lambert role making well reasoned and thought out posts but one of the oddballs like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy or @maroonandwhite or @Horsebox (in the sam McConkey/Tomas Ryan role) just keeps endlessly replying the same turgid shite back at them over and over but louder and eventually the reasonable poster declines to engage further.

He is a teacher in Maynooth so he is probably a bit defensive about his academic credentials

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The height of nonsense. Locking people up for two weeks after they’ve already tested negative.

Meanwhile two test centers at or near the airport lie idle.

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Nothing to do with the schools. Nothing at all.

If schools add 0.2 to ‘R’ it’s still an acceptable risk imho.

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