Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Great. I suppose RTƉ will blacklist him and keep going back to Tomas Ryan and McDonkey.

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I still think thereā€™s a lot to be said for pistol whipping luke. Metaphorically speaking of course

Iā€™m no expert but itā€™s clear as day this stuff is much worse in the winter than the summer. Not just the spread of the virus but also the effects of lock down on people.

Itā€™s absolutely imperative we are opened up fully by the may bank holiday with minimum restrictions. Given people a good long summer until the end of august as Iā€™d imagine come September weā€™ll see a rise in cases again and maybe the vaccine will begin to become less effective. People might need second jabs or annual jabs so the next winter could be sticky.

If we are muddling around till the middle of July itā€™ll be a disaster.

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I do wonder how they can be making these judgements so quickly. It took them 8 months there to find that Europe was hit with a more infectious variant than China and SE Asia, and hence the faster spread here.

We have them making statements now in a matter of weeks. Would the Kent strain not potentially have been seen to be more infectious simply because their control stage was during a U.K. lockdown, and Kent has the port of Dover there with lorry drivers coming in and out?

It clearly has enough about it to make it the dominant strain but cases are falling worldwide, whether thatā€™s in hard lockdown or with few restrictions.

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Iā€™d encourage all posters to start referring to Wuhan 1.0 off forum to build credibility when discussing all matters variant.

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We wonā€™t be open with low restrictions till near August bank holidayā€¦ It will be a slow lift of restrictions from June to End if July.

Youā€™re very dramatic. You need to find some balance.

A meaningful Christmas is a possibility

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The anti vaxxer Zero Coviders must hate Luke

Luke wants pints

You see.


Thatā€™s my joke you cunt, and itā€™s copyrighted

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When will I be sitting on a high stool at 6:30pm on a Sunday evening discussing the GAA matches held over the weekend? I need a firm timeline.


We need meaningful shit talk

This year will be the same as last, unfortunately. The junta will give us a brief glimmer of hope for about a 4-week window during the summer. Restrictions will increase once the schools go back in and weā€™ll be in Level 5 from the October bank holiday to Feb/March 2022.

Go hard at it during August, my man.


Iā€™ll need a link

Weā€™ll be in Croker in August

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Piece with John Horan I spotted passing a coffee table earlier. In summary, inter county leagues, club championships and then inter county championships. For that you need a certain window of time.
The stated position in press briefings is much more cautious than whatā€™s being discussed privately with state and non-state bodies.

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