Coronavirus - Here come the variants

December again this year.

Makes sense, clubs won’t be able to train in time for May. Crowds won’t be back in time for the IC championship to follow the league. So May/June League July/August Club Sept/Oct IC Champ

I hear a few members from Fingal were there having blow drys having misread the advertisement but not wanting to do a volte face and admit their error.


Do you mind what country the high stool is will be in?

Are you suggesting a West Limerick republic?

Reestablish the Limerick Soviet.

Lowest positivity rate in a long time


It’s fizzling out


It’s plateauing at a great rate

Vaccinating the staff in the covid factories, sorry hospitals, seems to be paying off.


The COVID factory is in China mate


938 positives 5.48% positivity last Wednesday

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Brilliant contribution from Charles Walker.
Some pertinent points that I would like to see asked of NPHET, government and RTE someday.


The worry index though?

Will this be put to the likes of McDonkey the next time he starts spouting on about varients?

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Could we siphon off some magic money tree cash and build more hospital capacity and hire more staff from abroad.
Then we’d be able to let it spread more.
This would be more of a long term strategy.

Sure that was the original point of the lockdown. Flatten the curve etc

Must be hundreds of millions spent on testing…up and running within days, highly efficient but serving no purpose. It’s a pity there wasn’t the same urgency about treatment, saving lives, vaccinating etc

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Really getting sick of the opposition’s obsession with pushing Zero Covid and not actually listening to the people. Why are they not querying what are the parameters around when we get out of lockdown and why kids will probably not be allowed play organised sports until what’s looking like May!!

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All the political parties just judge which way the wind is blowing and jump on that. I thought AK47 was doing well until 2021 but he’s at the same zero Covid shite now