Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That extra 3k would be an absolute game changer for us all. Means thereā€™ll be a million people with phoenix Park as their only outlet as opposed to 500k


Ailin sounds like sheā€™s doin alright for herself so fuck everyone else,why canā€™t ye stay at home loike.FOAD Ailin,itā€™s a pity the truck in front of you didnā€™t stop and reverse over you.


I hope it doesnā€™t happen as I wonā€™t be breaking lockdown when I go to Bull Island anymore. Currently Iā€™ve broken lockdown for over 150 consecutive days and I donā€™t want to lose that.

what a cunt. happy enough to be out on the roads doing her shopping, but god forbid that someone wants to get their home built. And she there then saying how hard it is and businessesā€™ have been hit, so in her case she wants people working not to work and people who may potentially be without their home not to have it finished so they can move in.

I think I read earlier that over half the cases are people under 30? Hospital and ICU numbers falling consistently, but yet we are getting hung up on young people catching this, when it has little effect on them. Itā€™d be great that it wouldnt happen, but they were the ones who came up with the term ā€œliving with Covidā€ and now they cant even live with it.


Weā€™re only on the second wave. Fierce backward altogether.

Iā€™ve seen the fear in hundreds of peoples eyes as I approach on my runs,I go as far out of my way as is possible but it is a sad sight, many will stop and turn their entire bodies away.
I exercise very early in the morning which is the logical time for a nervous pensioner to get out as well


Yeah they are asked. Not sure what the story is with refusing to answer (I think they are obliged to under the health act but thatā€™s more a Garda matter).

Holiday/visit is a common answer but that often means visiting relatives at home or people coming here visiting relatives. There is almost no one coming or going on a conventional holiday.

But yeah, everyone is asked.

Itā€™s really annoying me out walking there that so many are out walking there. Selfish pricks

The amount of people I saw on my trip to Malahide castle on a trip to Malahide Castle was crazy



The schools are starting to fall. Teachers obviously not doing enough to prevent transmission. Glynner will be chiding them from the pulpit shortly.

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Government TDs gave themselves a pay rise during the pandemic. The civil service are to get a pay rise. Nphet are all on serious moneyā€¦ We are not all in this togetherā€¦ people are waking up.

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I was told Paul Reid is the highest paid state medic in Europe. He must be doing some job


Open it up, etc

M & A Creche, getting children primed for the cut & thrust of the midlands corporate finance scene.

All weā€™re doing currently is locking it inā€¦ What we should have done long ago is set out tight restrictions and enforced them strongly. Restaurants/Cafes could have remained open and a lot of other businesses tooā€¦ Yes, we would have seen an initial spike but people would have adapted and taken on the measures in time. Didnā€™t Boston do something similar @Tim_Riggins after a huge surge initiallyā€¦ Weā€™d have half a life now but weā€™d be tipping away and in no worse boat than we are nowā€¦ When you lock people down of course theyā€™re gonna go crazy when you open up which leads to another lockdown.

What we need is politicians to take back control and stop hiding behind nphet. They need to make a proper plan to semi open up and take a number of weeks to use every outlet to urge people to follow the new guidelinesā€¦ I think most people would gladly follow such is the fatigueā€¦ We simply canā€™t go on like we areā€¦the 4th wave has already been planted and taken hold ā€¦ Weā€™re now onto planting a new seed for beyond the 4th waveā€¦ Restrictions after everyone has been vaccinated. The language about post vaccinated Ireland has shifted to keeping us locked down. This is what they have done to date, slowly introduce these ideas into society until average Joe is talking about them like they are normal and on we go.

Iā€™m starting to seriously believe it will be this time next year before they allow us open up. Theyā€™re clearly agitating to cancel summer and weā€™re back into winter then, prime respiratory disease time of the year then.

The gutless bastards in the dail are praying for the yanks or Germans to pull a rabbit out of their hats and nothing will be done until then.


Yes they havenā€™t locked down again but had very tight capacity restrictions.

There is no appetite for any level of impact from Covid here since last April.

How do you mean? Health impact or economic/life impact?

Health authorities all over Europe are queuing up to poach him.

Hospitalisations or deaths.

We need to lock him into a long term contract, heā€™s totes amazaballs.