Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ailin should have done her shopping online and she could have saved us all this.


You should have put your clothes on

You bought your first fork yesterday?

They are talking about a third wave in Europe at the moment and here we are onto our fourth

We’re finally keeping ahead of the curve.

Brazilian variant being mentioned

Everyone knows the virus doesn’t spead in classrooms


John McGuirk is fighting the good fight (never thought I’d say that)

Also John will never be seen/heard in national media ever again

87 cases in the 6 counties today. That is impressive. The days of Tommie Gorman and RTE catastrophising about Northern Ireland seem a long time ago now.


John got his shot, and fucked it up. You cannot afford to throw away your shot, no matter how young scrappy and hungry you are.

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I was never a man for luxuries but the one I did have was sky sports because I follow Liverpool, but that had to go.

@Copper_pipe send that man on bangs email

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Is that fucker ever going to retire ??

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There appears to have been multiple outbreaks in schools being confirmed all over the country today
Kildare, Wicklow, Donegal, Tipp, Craughwell, all over Dublin

Tis Easter in a couple of days anyway. Be grand


Our lad is home from school since last Wednesday as is his class after being deemed close contacts. Tested last Thursday and negative but needs another negative test this Thursday to get all clear. Few teachers had it apparently as his wan nowhere to see online. Rest of school reopened today.

Footix alert

Reading between the lines; kids sport might get a break, maybe golf and they’ll change the 5km to some other meaningless arbitrary restriction, 10km or something and that’s it.

Nolan spent the weekend there crunching the impact of moving it to 10km. He is pushing for 8km though given the mobility index and overall R implications.