Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The FDA have passed the J&J vaccine. They say it’s grand with 86% effectiveness.


Open the pubs.


I think AK47 saw some electoral capital to be made straight after Christmas when he went full LIDTF Zero Covider. Of course once you hitch your wagon to that horse you have the problem of how do you get off it?

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Not it appears that the opposition have realised how racist they are looking and have decided to have a go at the U.K. and the US.

He had it pitched on oiutf before Christmas :man_shrugging:
I think the term is hunting with hounds and running with the hares is appropriate here

The imperialist variants are the worst.

Why did yesterday’s plan have no level 0 where everything is open ?

Optics kid, optics

How is Bill Gates going to get his microchips into you without a vaccine?

Anyway that plan will be thrown out the window before it’s ever used

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These one has the screenshots of the emails.
Harmless enough stuff mainly as you go through it, but the first one should get a bit of traction as you have scientists basically admitting to lying to push an agenda with Taoiseach. Would love to see one of the shows they are so fond of appearing on grill them on it.


Sheep think that’s not a reputable source, but RTE, who toe the line, are supposedly

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If these zero covid experts were found to be lying - custodial sentences should greet the bastards.

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Not surprised they didn’t comment. Going by Twitter, ISAG block anyone who questions them. Let alone disagrees with them.

Clonakilty seems like a grand spot

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What’s ISAG’s actual agenda? Is it purely increase profile and make money out of media appearances? Is it that basic?

It’s up to FG to set us free

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Someone has to go

Weirdos trapped in an academic bubble with no real world experience and have no comprehension of what happens when theory meets reality so are genuinely convinced they are right. Varoufakis, another media darling, was of the same mindset.

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I’m edging back towards nuanced LIDTF. I don’t think a charge of racism can be levelled at those pushing for mandatory quarantine for overseas travellers (many of whom would be Irish people) when our own citizens are banned from moving more than 5km from home and therefore indirectly prevented from visiting family and so on.

I think in the medium term the idea of certain countries being on the mandatory quarantine list is reasonable, based on the incidence levels in these places.

TomĂĄs Ryan explains that overseas travel causes the disease to become seeded in the community.

But, as I say, I don’t think it’s unfair that ALL countries should be on the list while we’re still in level 5 and/or until the vaccination roll out has reached a critical mass.

All of us being good little boys and girls shouldn’t be undermined by foreign travel setting us back to square one. Send them out to City West for 2 weeks to fuck, and revisit it on 30 June.