Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Those bastards with their unnecessary travel to work in the healthcare sector.

And by how many others?

Nursing homes have given shots to the family of the owners

If they belong to the Irish people then he stole them. Itā€™s not the board he should solely be accountable to, itā€™s the Gardai too. Arrest the cunt and lock him up.


Iā€™d suggest that is vastly underreported.

*Going solely on anecdotal evidence

Itā€™s happening all over the country

My mother in law was delighted to get the call from her doctor (and friend) to come in and take a left over vaccine, she was hardly the most deserving case, weā€™re fucked from this cancel culture bullshit, itā€™s everywhere


Office admin staff are getting it in limerick. None essential staff who can work from home but yet play the poor lip on social media claiming the public should be working from home and cutting social contacts. Hypocrisy at its finest. Ireland is a great country

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Far more than that

Yeah weā€™re in an era of permanent outrage. Weā€™re not as far from Salem as we think.


Heā€™s probably on safe enough ground. Every one of them is peddling whatever lie fits the narrative and why should rte set any standards when the public are happy enough to spoon up this shit.

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We need to knock the Beacon down and build a prison for vaccine villians in its place


If theyā€™re asymptomatic whatā€™s the problem, are they even a caseā€¦unless youā€™re still buying into the asymptomatic transmission fairytale


Iā€™m confused @Lazarus . There seem to be lads here arguing that there arenā€™t enough vaccines to go round so itā€™s best just to give them away to friends and family? Would there be some sort of holding facility for these morons?

Sounded dubious to me but the recent figures are about that level if you put the from Covid/with Covid debate to the side

Edit. Not sure that chart is clear. 29 hospitalisations out of 2225 cases. Thatā€™s 1.3%

I initially thought that but thereā€™s a bit of a difference from a GP correctly ringing people who are next on their list and a lad giving his kidsā€™ teachers from a good distance away the vaccine

Thats just how Ireland works. Youā€™re entitled to get a spare vaccine if you know people never mind poor Maureen lying in her hospital bed with cancer. Other countries could learn a lot from us

Irelandā€™s winter wave started long before Christmas, look at the charts. Cases started to rise in mid December, reached a peak in mid January and started to decline in late January. Where else was this seen? Every other western country and US state, with the exception of the few countries like Norway and Finland who adopted a zero Covid strategy from the start of the pandemic. Regardless of whether those countries and states had ā€œstay at homeā€ restrictions, Florida versus California the classic example of states with large populations, California with itā€™s strict stay at home order had higher levels of hospitalizations and deaths than Florida which ended itā€™s order in May 2020. Sweden had a winter wave but nowhere near as severe as many other European countries (the winter wave was worse than the first wave in many countries).

What drove this winter wave? Three main factors that drive the flu season every year, people spending far more time indoors with windows closed so stagnant air where a virus thrives, like flu viruses the Covid virus survives better in cold dry air, and peopleā€™s immunity is weaker in winter months due to vitamin D deficiency and other factors (January is the worst month for deaths of vulnerable people). Christmas undoubtedly was a factor as people congregate with family, this happened everywhere regardless of stay at home orders. The other factor driving higher transmission was younger people in all western countries socializing from summer 2020 onwards, this happened regardless of stay at home orders. So, itā€™s seasonality and peopleā€™s behavior that drove the winter wave, and lockdowns had very little impact on stopping or limiting spread. In fact there is a good argument that extending lockdowns for so long made the winter wave worse because there were so many healthy people who had not been exposed to the virus, so there was very little immunity in the population.

In summary, what blows you and @backinatracksuitā€™s argument out of the water is the exact same winter wave was seen in places with lockdowns and without lockdowns, and no western country or US state health care system was overwhelmed.


Thatā€™s not to argue that sensible restrictions donā€™t work. They clearly do, avoid the behaviors that spread the virus, keep your distance from people and wear a surgical mask when youā€™re indoors where people are forced to gather (shops, the workplace). It wonā€™t eliminate the virus but it is proven to keep transmission levels reasonably under control. Lockdown or no lockdown itā€™s people acting like idiots that cause most of the spread.