Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Iā€™m against all the cancel culture nonsense but what the CEO of the Beacon did was completely unacceptable and he should be held accountable. Trying to be hero at his kids schools.


Did he have a child sitting the leaving this year?

Late to this lads, can someone quickly sum up what happened in the Beacon?

Over her Iā€™ve signed up at my local GP to be called if thereā€™s any excess vaccines left on a day. You have to be ready to attend if you get the call. Vaccines have to be used when taken out of the refrigerator so you often end up with loads left over some days.

They were in a fucking hospital, this is what galls people.

Literally stick your head out the corridor and shout ā€œdoes anyone want a spare vaccine?ā€ or pop down to the reception and youā€™d have found plenty of willing takers.

Itā€™s these relatively little things that drive people mad. Like Dara Murphy getting a Garda lift from Cork to Dublin airport, Maria Bailey and ā€˜swing-gateā€™.

You can be damn sure this has gone on in plenty of other hospital or healthcare settings and they are sweating this weekend it doesnā€™t get out.


Sense of entitlement to make up your own rules. Should be made resign and Principal of school should take a long look at himself aswell.


It must be awkward for the teachers there now. Iā€™m assuming not all members of the staff at the school would have gotten it. I mean if the history teacher got lucky but the math teacher didnā€™t that might be a talking point. Wouldnā€™t fee paying schools have SNAs and admin too?

The thought of home schooling again can make a man do crazy things.


I guarantee you the cleaning staff did not get it.


If it wasnā€™t lockeddown there wouldnā€™t have been such a huge spike having openedā€¦ Thatā€™s what lockdowns do, put you in a cycle of boom / bust that youā€™ll never get out of.

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Whereā€™s this now?

Agreed but when you lock people down for months on end there isnā€™t a hope in hell theyā€™re not gonna enjoy their freedomā€¦ They need to introduce tight restrictions and let people at itā€¦ weā€™ll see a spike but we are heading into brighter days and warmer weather soonā€¦

Did es anybody know about the previous track record of the Beacon CEO?
Is he/she to be fed to the wolves for the sake of 20 vaccines?
Weā€™re all against cancel culture it seems, but in an a la carte fashion,

Iā€™ve made terrible judgement calls in all my jobs

Ah come onā€¦ This is a bit more serious given the state of whatā€™s happening.


Are the lads from the army not patrolling these hotels

The reality is the majority of people have acted sensibly and that has kept transmission levels reasonably under control. You have some people that canā€™t avoid high risk settings like health care workers, nursing homes, people working in shops, etc. and then you have a subset that donā€™t care if they get Covid or pass it on to other people. Lockdowns make little difference to the first group as we have deemed them essential, and the second group donā€™t give a fuck. Itā€™s really as simple as that.

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Itā€™s 20 vaccines that were administered to a lesser deserving grouping, thereby delaying 20 others by a few days? For that a man or womans life work is down the drain? Fed to the wolves on twitter etc?

We spent many decades sweeping real scandal under the carpet, maybe weā€™re trying to write the wrongs of the past in some ridiculous way, Iā€™m not just referring to this case.

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I never said anything about sacking him, just that itā€™s a bit more serious then you acting the bollix in work. It might be a private hospital but heā€™s still high up in a medical setting during a pandemicā€¦he should be settling a example.


There were 20 spare vaccines left over at the end of the day at the Beacon private hospital. The CEO arranged for those vaccines to be administered to teachers at his childrenā€™s private school, St Gerardā€™s in Bray.

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A CEO of a hospital giving spare vaccines to teachers in his kids school is shameful, Iā€™m sure closer schools/crĆØches could have been offered them

Not calling for him to be sacked (we know nothing will happen) but stuff like that drives Joe Public nuts considering the ongoing lockdown
It just smacks of the cute hoorism, that weā€™ve never shaken off

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I was looking at the tweet and found the following response a bit minority reportish and dystopian.

I think the enforced travel quarantine to be extremely disproportionate, belated and reactionary. It seemed to gather momentum around the time of the whole Lanzarote news cycle which went on for a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile stories like below fly under the radar of public consciousness. Once you lose routes and aviation experts they can be quite hard to get back but many are happy to shoot ourselves in the foot because of some false equivalence of not being able to move around freely in our own country for the last 12 months.