Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You shill for big pharma. Sure youve a rake of doctors raving about it. What exactly do you want…Tony and luke to give you permission?
Ffs. There’s lads on here who wont be able to buy trainers unless they’re peer reviewed

@Julio_Geordio local GP and mine is a big fan of it.

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If that’s not good enough for the wee bald fucker what is?

The lads wearing any sort of mask and not covering their noses with it are the thickest of all thick cunts in fairness.

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Red (Blue?) Hugh O’Connell telling us in the indo that they’re possibly going to increase the 5km limit to 10km.


All.that means for me is that working class can now visit our castle and beach

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Pretty sure you’ll find thats our castle. Limerick own and run that now.



One of his better tweets


The experts will be shitting it now that an intellectual heavyweight like Sean is on to them.

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Did he vote in favour of vaccine passports?

Its just common sense really that children should be out playing sport and interacting. You don’t need a PHD to figure that out.


I’ve no idea. I thought that vote was defeated.

Sean is a great man

You don’t need to be an intellectual heavyweight to get it Mike, it’s not that complicated.

Dammit, maybe there’s hope after all. I just assumed the madness would continue

Sean sees a bit of unrest back home and decides he’ll try and earn a few brownie points from the Kerry electorate who bless us with the likes of the Healy Raes and himself. Sean has unsurprisingly struck a chord with a few on here. However, if I were promoting the OIUTF viewpoint I wouldn’t be using a country with the 3rd highest number of deaths as an example but that’s just me.

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Sean Kelly is a blue shirt bollix


Met him at an event a while back. I was surprised by how much of a simpleton he came across as.