Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Thats the thing with zero covid people and the left in general. It is a race to the bottom with them and nothing will ever be enough. Its a fools errand trying to keep pace.


The way I see it, these zero covid fanatics are the opposite of left wing, theyā€™re just a wrong.

Its lunacy. Peoples rights with regards to movement - 5km from your house, that rule is abhorrent and it makes no sense.


Youā€™d know by the faces of these two lads that theyā€™re in favour of vaccine passports, lockdowns and masks

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Sure the mask makes you invincible and getting a pcr test is the cure

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The worry index must be falling

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Fear porn the LIDTF crew and George Lee will have massive hard ons for it

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The scariants in the back pocket too.

People need to get wiser around their freedoms.

So ICU units arenā€™t like luxury spas after all. Lidtf

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A pandemic so deadly that it requires an aggressive marketing campaign to sell fear to the masses. Wow


It is unreal.

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People who give up there easily donā€™t deserve it

Ah, I wouldnt go that far mate.

A lot of people have bought into the constant fear thats being projected from the likes of RTE etc, it is relentless to be fair,

RTE then of course revenue wise have had a great covid, I reckon once the brits start to open up its going to get harder for our crowd to sell this zero covid bullshit,

Time will tell though.

Thatā€™s well put, Iā€™ll be robbing that. :smiley:


Iā€™ve always wondered how it took 800 years to fight the Brits until the last 18 months. How people get sacked into the offical narrative without challenge, turn on each other and are willing to rat out law breakers.



Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone nowadays. Relatively few really give a fuck about the virus any more, itā€™s more a debate about the ā€˜measuresā€™. What camp are you in etc. Its like the abortion referendum: Going by the heat on tfk youā€™d have thought half the forum had been impregnated by rapists.
Thatā€™s not to downplay the real loss or sadness, but loss, sadness and fear arenā€™t whatā€™s driving the argument any more. Look at the panic this time last year. We were absolutely togging it. Really hoping that vitamin d or remishydro something or other might be our saviourā€¦turns out ivermectin almost certainly works and people arenā€™t too bothered, and why should they be?
Nowā€¦the virus ā€¦meh. But we still must have masks and lockdowns.
Itā€™s funny how suddenly, you regularly see references to charles Mackay popping up here and thereā€¦someone on here even mentioned tulips lately
He had us down to a tee
ā€œMen, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.ā€



Another entry into the black column for RTƉ financials. Iā€™m glad I cancelled the licence fee now

Hopefully it will encourage its target audience, our vaccination team, to speed up the rollout.


Is that @glenshane ?

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Oh dear

Youā€™ve promised me this before. Any proof? Trials are underwhelming so far