Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Oh God yeah. Sure Iā€™m very gullible (like @Appendage).


Itā€™s gas. People would now almost be grateful to be allowed go 10km from their home rather than 5. What an incredibly depressing situation.


10k would make fuck all difference to me.

It makes no difference to the people who never followed it. Give me a pub and Iā€™ll be happy. Five me a haircut and I can some fucking dignity

Iā€™ve more or less stopped following it. Iā€™ll be going back to Limerick this weekend regardless

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@briantinnion still leaves out a glass of milk and biscuits on Christmas Eve.


Will you drop that ā€œ Iā€™ll be going home regardless ā€œ stickā€¦

Iā€™m sick of saying travel around our wonderful island is no issue, just donā€™t act the bollocks.

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Ok m8

A communications collective? Sounds more like a think tank for the propaganda from the DoH.

Cc @Fagan_ODowd

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Gonna need some Tic Toks with Egghead bouncing on a trampoline telling the youth to have zoom drinks with their friends and cybersex.

All socially distanced wearing masks too

Whos in?

A very quick and arbitrary look at Israel and the UK just there.

Israelā€™s five day average continuing to drop, UKā€™s seems to be levelling off if not increasing slightly.

Medally except is a new one

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Gerry is a liar


Another public headbanger, clearly an absolute cunt of a man like Ewan, Woolie, McGurk and Boylan

The OIUTFers are very very poorly served by their chief cheerleaders, the comparisons with GOD will continue


Itā€™s remarkable how certain posters on here always take issue with anybody that speaks up for the average working man.


Most of the people who post here ARE the average working man