Coronavirus - Here come the variants

If he was a genuine person he wouldnt have the phone on record waiting for a confrontation - If they dont have a delivery service i’m sure the store would happily have a member of staff get his items for him, scan them and drop them at the door for him if he approached management like a human being


Gas cunts. Not sure how Woolie and Ewan got dragged into this though.

They do have a delivery service.

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The ONLY reason I wear a mask is to avoid situations like this. Working jobs like that for shit money are tough enough without dealing with attention seeking cunts looking for an argument.


You’re a great human being.

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Thanks. I appreciate the praise

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I’m genuinely surprised that this prick and his treatment of shop staff doing their job has support even on TFK,
He’s speaking for ‘the average working man?’:man_shrugging:

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It’s headbangers like him that detract from genuine folk who are trying to express grievances with current restrictions.


I dont think he has much support. I think mask wearing is a load of shite and should be left up to the individual, but it’s not your man behind the till that’s deciding policy.

Its like cunts eating the head off of someone in a call center. Fella is just doing his job


Making the store out to be Nazis when one complaint from a curtain twitcher for serving the headbanger could bring the house down on them … like you say, it aint the store setting policy.

We need to take it where we can these days.

There’s a lovely softness to the forum this morning …

Does anyone here support the headbanger in the video
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Sometimes a bit of a soft on of a morning is no bad thing.

Bloodbath by Wednesday evening?

The engine doesn’t warm up as quickly as it once did but yeah, I’d be aiming for that.

Gerry Killeen, mcconkey and the likes are deranged headbangers who want us locked down forever and have made up various lies about Covid.

Your man Killeen was referring to kids as stealth bombers in an infected society. I

Mcconkey was saying so many would die we wouldn’t be able to bury them.

They’ve made up barefaced lies on multiple occasions with no science to back them up. They’ve been horribly wrong over and over again over the past 12 months. Both are still regular contributors on rte to this very day.

Ewan Mackenna sticks up a few tweets on his own twitter page and the narrative is “oh this is very bad news for the anti lock down people they must all be crazy if Ewan Mackenna is on their side.”

The narrative is hilarious.


I dont think anyone has made that argument -the whole forum agrees that RTE are facilitating covid zealots …

Another of the famous - there’s some lads on here - posts.


@The_Most_Infamous straight in with his tinfoil hat…


What a fucking cunt.