Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Damo English on representing the Govt on Matt Cooper tonight
Expect lots of bluster

The woman who owns ā€œGinosā€ restaurant must have a bit of influence in media circle sheā€™s been on tv a good few times

Damo pointing out more people died in England than Ireland

Fact-check: This is correct

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Not much gets by Damo in fairness

The people have decided that Tony is doing a great job.

People listen to Coldplay and voted for the nazis, you canā€™t trust people jermey - super hans




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im loving the new variants
we have a new york variant now i see the israelis are worried about- it may impact luke o 'neillā€™s ā€œeffigacyā€ā€¦ ā€œstick granny next to the open window you seeā€

If these olympics do go ahead i think we are odds on for some demented variant from the Belgian Congo to get into Europeā€¦


The media need to just fuck off with this shit. They are digging around these university departments looking for these stories.

Boris deciding to use the ā€œKent variantā€ as his excuse to try and cancel Christmas and keep the population at home during the vaccine rollout is coming back to bite us.

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Can we copywrite variants? I hear the Kinvora crowd are up to no good

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The corona doesnā€™t like a draught.

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It was ā€˜grandpaā€™. Hed be hardier than granny, you see.

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Iā€™d say soā€¦you can copyright a virus

I was thinking of starting my own variant company. After the pandemic.

Are the Chinese going to charge us for using it?

The Chinese will be charging you for everything shortly mate.

Thereā€™s lads on here will be delighted when the Chinese empire is ruling them with an iron fist.

They long for the 800 years when the English ruled them with two lads in the castle with hurleys.

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Rules are only for little people