Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think that’s how it works, I don’t know I anyone’s copyrighted this though, assuming it exists of course

So if you an be the first to isolate and extract it you can patent it? You’ll probably need an ology though

The Limerick variant will hit in mid summer during sweltering heat. Savage intensity.


A Pavee variant will emerge soon and the junta will shit themselves.

I expect the Gardai will be there this morning making arrests in the same way they were at the hairdressers in Balbriggan yesterday.

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I expect Primetime to report this story in a vigorous manner.

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With Relish?

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I hope they don’t catch the Ballymaloe variant.

Sorry the Ballymaloe deviant.


RTE must be preparing an extra long story on this cos it hasn’t reached their home page yet

please sign in for the weekly HSE briefing

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How are we still testing 18,000 people a day

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What the fuck is wrong with the other 17,000 odd?

Half a million people are getting tested a month.

Sticking things up their nose mostly.

One person had 38 close contacts in a 72 hour period :joy:

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We could be looking back on 2’20 with fondness if NPHET shut down the country for a few years.


Great news .NPHET surely realise that lockdown is a cod, we just need to get on with it. The scales are falling.

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