Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They remind me of the two FBI agents in Die Hard going through the terrorist playbook bit by bit. They will hit the virus with the helicopter up the ass in a few weeks

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This is how it’s been for every other announcement. All leaked through the media.

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I’d say if we were local to my folks then we’d definitely be meeting up regularly in the park or whatever, at least in recent weeks if not in January and early February. We’d also be popping in briefly to their house or vice versa. But we would have been uncomfortable about taking a restriction breaking jaunt from Dublin to Wexford and spending, say, a concerted period of time with them and doing overnight stays, for example. I guess we didn’t want to bring risk to them, as they’re medically vulnerable, and one of my lads is a crèche attending stealth bomber too. It’s probably a bit for selfish…I wouldn’t forgive myself if they got infected from our visit…reasons and that probably makes me a complete pussy on TFK. But them getting vaccinated is a game changer and we’re all for heading in May now. It’s also why the pitiful and corrupt vaccine rollout effort has been so frustrating.

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I thought the point was variants? Not case numbers?

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Thats Carlow fucked so.

It was case numbers, but they proved unreliable as they’re is always the possibility of them falling. It was variants there for a while but unfortunately they seem to be making fuck all difference.
The possibility of future variants is really a master stroke…no cases, no deaths and no increases in transmissibility needed…just the possibility that things could be worse.
Best pandemic ever.


It seems to be a turf battle between the Department of Health and others. They used the variants to try for Zero Covid by the backdoor.

That’s close to margin of error/false positive rate.

You’d wonder what drives the negative 14,500 people to rock up for testing at this stage. It was understandable a few months ago

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Nearly there boys. Don’t be the eejit shot during the ceasefire

One more lost summer won’t kill us. We’ll be back at it come September.

A quick autumn lockdown, a meaningful Christmas, another lockdown and we should be in an excellent position in April


That’s the spirit.

Shur TV is so good these days, and lots of sport on, what more do lads want?

Any fella that hasn’t watched Breaking Bad has no excuse now


Living here in the power base constituency I think I’ll have to write to my local TDs, Mick Martin, Simon Coveney, Mick McGrath and DOL… And urge them to not rush the reopening and to get it as right as can be this time around. It’s the last heave and we all need to show some restraint in the face of temptation.

A few more free testing centres to keep the case numbers up would go a long way.

I didn’t realise that the UK has the same system until someone here posted it and told me. Did we just bring in the same system as the UK or was there any difference? What times did the respectively happen?

I reckon they’ll mention a fourth wave on rte news this evening.

I can’t imagine the damage they’ve done to themselves with all this carryon over the past 12 months. I weep for their Quan.

Glas has cracked today. He seemed to be doing ok up to now.