Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Why hasn’t seasonality knocked number across Europe yet?

And people thought they could go on foreign holidays this summer. Cant even go to another county. Safe to say expectations have been lowered. :joy:

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Martin seems to think the Govt has done a good job so far

“Easter is a time for reflection and renewal”

Where did we get this guy from?



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All a load o bollix

Martin’s speech writer is shocking.

Dull, boring, bland.


Gazing at the ocean from a rock in Lahinch will be just a happy memory for many.

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Didn’t even stick in an inspiring movie quote (I think)

Jaysus the comments really show what a few of ye are saying about the travellers being more integrated/less hated in wexford. Can’t see that level of sympathy anywhere else

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Is this a parody piece?

Figures from NPHET show that the five-day average of cases is now around 50 times higher than what it was going into the first lockdown in March last year.

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There’s something very sick, twisted and gutless about wedging kids into classrooms but not allowing them play sports.


Thought you were zen buddy


They’re in the same season as us.

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The chickens are coming home to roost tonight.

They’ve lost the reasonable people with the arbitrary rules.

People will do what they want now I think.

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I told you all months ago it would be July / August…you need to stop letting your emotions get the better of you and pay attention to what’s going on. You’ll get s few weeks in August to make a dash to the coast…tho it’s clear they just want to get passed the summer and hope the vaccine is working by the time school and uni is back, that’s their only plan. They’ll be happy to keep numbers at 300-500 range to keep tight restrictions

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You can’t tell some people - hopefully the public might begin to cop on eventually.

We’ll be locked down next autumn and nothing will fully open up like pre covid this summer.

You’re codding yourself if you think otherwise.

Vaccines have limited immunity in terms of time (they’re saying) , variants are going to keep cropping up and worh lockdowns peoples immune systems are going to be weaker.

This is going to run and run.

What’s the issue here gents? Is it the message, the messenger the way the message was delivered or a combination of all three. This kite has been flying for well over a week or more. The only curve ball was the change in the system the way the vaccinations will be distributed. Even Mary Lou couldn’t say a whole lot about it bar a throw away comment regarding what a shambles we’ve had up to now. She is partly responsible for this shambles herself along with all the rest of them.
Move on lads, move on.

It’s time to familiarise my self with Thoreau’s essay on Civil Disobedience. Anybody read it?