Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The flu season is nearly over. We gave them their time in the limelight and obeyed restrictions for hospital staff to work… It’s time to move on.

Those poll respondents have shoved it right up RTE and Irish Twitter’s arse


Thanks for posting that. That warmed the cockles of my heart. 30% in favour of zero covid. Essentially PBP, Lab and some SF supporters.


To think that Alan Kelly only just got on board the populist Zero Covid train :pensive:

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Please be “concerned” like a good man

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30% of the population support the Zero Covid strategy. Nice round number that we can use going forward for the proportion of simpletons in Irish society


RTE will get a poll of Erin’s own readers or another one of those amarach polls. Dare I say anyone who watches RTE have probably been radicalised by zero covid already.

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George Lee wound up like a coiled spring here on the News.


George has all the data on the Nigerian variant.

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Here he is preaching doom about the Nigerian variant.

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Its reassuring that the majority of the population are not complete cabbages and have some common sense.


That simpleton Claire Byrne’s polls are the worst.

“What percentage of people that spend every night listening to RTE and my show pumping in propaganda want more restrictions in Ireland?”


It’s a very volatile situation

I wonder will the nigerian variant set up an internet cafe?


Fluid even

Its like a virus you get when you open the email link to clear your bank account

Irelands story with be a Netflix series in a few years
“Ireland : the quiet coup. How unelected medics took over a country”


No but it might send you a letter telling you that its found a long lost relative of yours and it wants your bank details to deposit 5 gazillion dollars

Moving in the right direction but unfortunately 67pc of people still think the restrictions now are just right or there’s not enough.

The OIUTF crew will have their own murder mystery series for middle aged white women too

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