Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Turn off RTE


Watch that change as the weather gets better over the next month. By the time April 5th comes around people will be mad to open up


My preferences would be

  1. OIUTF (the boris plan)

  2. Zero covid

  3. The current nphet led strategy

Zero covid is better that what nphet want.

Yeah its like a pantomime at this stage. I think 2 things are going on. Firstly the government are giving NPHET the stage but you assume there will be a powerplay that will kick in when numbers are suppressed and vaccine roll out has been ramped up. Secondly NPHET want total healthcare reform hence the shift in talk to seasonality and vulnerability to deal with another endemic infection even when herd immunity has been achieved. I would happily pay more taxes as Iā€™m sure most would if I didnā€™t have to go through another lockdown again with the added caveats of them being able to reverse HSE being a black hole and, as it is the 6th most expensive healthcare system in the world per capita, it can represent better value for money.


Zero Covid is an impossibility. NPHET will be told to get fucked at some point

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Where are we on the worry index guys? Iā€™m at a 0.057 at the moment as Iā€™ve been busy with work and 5km runs.

Itā€™s mad how quickly itā€™s changed.

A month ago, OIUTF had a mountain to climb yet here we are.

Shur we told ya that

RTE news going back over a year of Covid - what a shower of utter rancid cunts .

Over to Man U

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Iā€™m moving towards the LIDTF position.

We need the fuckers who wanted a lock down to really have a lock down good and proper.

Bad and all as thIs government are the opposition seem to want that

The opposition and government have no opinions of their own, they just take their lead from Twitter. After this poll they will probably pivot away from that again


Why what were the stats from the poll a month ago? There was surely never much lower than 30pc OIUTF?

And now. The Gulf Stream is weakening which could have a catastrophic impact on our country.


That Motherway one, in particular, seems to spend more time talking to RTE than helping patients.


How SF thought they would make political capital with zero covid is beyond me. They are in power sharing in the North and will be supping pints there in no time. They were signatories of GFA and they support a group in the ISAG who want border controls. If Borrisā€™s plan which has been described as overly aspirational but looks realistic to me translates to the 6 counties SF will be left swimming naked with the tide gone out. There is no future in zero covid.


Any sign of a draw for this years championship?

That 6 weeks of snow could happen any decade now.

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Fauci has the whiff of a manager who has lost the dressing room. I fear for gullible fellas like @Tierneevin1979

He was very animated about tonightā€™s variant. He really didnā€™t want the good news about the vaccine roll out to overtake the negative news about the Nigerian variant which may or may not be more dangerous.