Coronavirus - Here come the variants

@Copper_pipe has sorted it.


Yes, @Copper_pipe.

I like McWilliams and that’s a good article.

One thing to note that won’t suit the agenda of the “OIUTF” crew on here, is that Ireland’s version of “lockdown” has been extremely light compared to what most of Europe has experienced. We have not had to carry a form outdoors stating why we were not inside, we haven’t had a limit on how long we can be outside at a time, we haven’t had a curfew, etc. So while we’ve had far more days of what we called “lockdown” it’s been nothing like what lockdown actually was at various stages in lots of Europe.


Look mate, as a civilized ordinary decent man who wants to open up there’s really no need in the world to bring Nazi or very far right ideology into it, discuss on its merits.

Unfortunately (and I mean that sincerely) for you and like minded people it is the case that the far right are in agreement with you, and are likely using the situation as a recruiting ground, targeting the disaffected is a king standing policy


Yeah we have discussed this a few times, I hate that they are in the arguement for OIUTF but using it for their own agenda. Its scary how people into that trap

Limerick letting us down again

McWilliams just needs to come up with a catchy nickname for the LIDTF merchant, maybe “Under the bed Man”, and the OUITF counterpart, “Shebeen Man”.

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The poll in today’s Sindo will hopefully put the shits up the government. Anything less than last summer’s “freedoms” from late May onwards will be unacceptable to the electorate.

Martin’s White House photo opportunity is on the line.

Not to worry. Claire will ride to the rescue tomorrow evening with a correct poll.


Last summer’s freedoms by May, pubs and everything else open by June, july at the absolute latest.

There is absolutely no way that the same restrictions as last summer can be acceptable, we’ll be vaccinated, there has to be a dividend. Ireland’s summer last year was for more restricted than most of Europe.

How is this new poll so different to RTE polls? I was under impression most were in favour of restrictions but this wasn’t very representative of what people I know feel about them.

They administered 30K doses on Good Friday so 250K a week might be attainable.

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Very naive.

We have missed every vaccination target so far. Forecasts are being revised downward on a weekly basis.


I used to find him very good but then I started listening to him more and find him the definition of a stopped clock …

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Forecasts are in line with supply. Do you think targets should be kept at X when supply is Y? That wouldn’t make sense.

I don’t suppose that anyone is correct about everything but he is very insightful and, I think, very good at rejecting orthodoxy and instead drawing conclusions based on facts. I think we’d be in a better place in a lot of areas in this country if we followed his advice.

But shur the clock is stopped for well over a year now


Maybe people disapprove of the government response because they want even more restrictions

Germany and the Netherlands have suspended AZ use for over 60s. Unless I’m mistaken, Ireland is still using AZ only for under 65s due to Tony Holohan’s solo run. Or has this been corrected yet?