Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They’re not.

Over 70s were meant to done by the end of March. It’s now mid May.

Forecasts are not in line with supply. AZ have badly failed to meet their obligations. They were supposed to deliver circa 1m vaccines by the end of March, they delivered a little over 300k with a big order coming in on the 31st March.

Forecasts are being rounded down and down at every turn.

1m vaccines administered were expected in April, now 860k.

Sorry my post meant to say that forecasts are revised down in line with supply.

When supply doesn’t meet what it’s supposed to you revise down your target of how many actual vaccinations you’re going to carry out.

Around 1.18m vaccines in the country at the 31/3. Around 870k vaccines doses administered at the same date.

They should be doing better.

Anything less than 200k next week is a poor return.


Not at the prices im charging :grinning:

The mother got AZ last week she’s 70 later this year

The US have essentially thrown AZ into the dustbin and J&J have been allowed to fully takeover manufacturing in the Maryland plant so they can meet their obligations. The ability to do this sticks out when you look at Europe’s supply chains. Europe seems to have no idea what they paid for and how to secure it.

The EU gave badly failed here and it’s going to take a long time for them to recover unfortunately.


Ah they did reverse it so. Cheers :+1:

Very good on active travel

Didnt go into it myself this time but looks a fair crowd


2 pairs of tits will bring down this goverment. Imagine I though it would only take 1 pair. Chump and Leo


Counsel has put forward a reasonable enough argument there.

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The offer to isolate at home is reasonable tbf. Same as any bail conditions to where the guards can inspect at anytime. But we all know they wont

The natives are starting to get restless,NPHET will need to release a whopper number of cases in their update today, try and put the frighteners on people


We will need a Superman sighting soon or the game is up

Will you stop, there’s people here who actually believe that goes on :grinning:


They’ll probably get a 6 figure settlement for PTSD or something.

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They were told they could not fly back to Ireland from Dubai. It’s outrageous carry on and completely arbitrary and disproportional to then insist they quarantine in a hotel when they have negative tests when other people who are not even Irish citizens fly in from US, for example, have no such conditions applied.

Hopefully the High Court knocks this over and vindicates the Constitutional rights of these women and all of us.


For everyone arriving into Ireland has a negative pcr test, what’s the the point of MHC? This is all based on the belief, according to the guidelines that you may have the virus in your system up to 14 days without symptoms or positive test. Which is ridiculous based on the current knowledge. On that basis why don’t the zero covid lunatics demand anyone tested for covid be forced into MHC for 14 days?

Hopefully this is thrown out and put an end to this part of the fsrce

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