Coronavirus - Here come the variants

In their heads they are following the science, they are limiting circulation etc and that is doing their job, but there is an incredible patronising bang of we know best off public health doctors that sickens my hole.

Themselves and many politicians have taken a ā€œteacher speaking to naughty childrenā€ tone to this whole thing


Itll all come out I the wash in 10 years during a multi million euro tribunal. While we all will say we saw it while it happened.

Like the great fingerton said I picked a figure out of my hole

Maybe thatā€™s why teacher bashing is so popular on here. Reminds me of my school days :joy:

ā€˜like a new virusā€™ is the epedemiology version of ā€˜like a new signingā€™.

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Because I said so :grimacing:

I agree that itā€™s poor that they changed their advice so drastically. That being said - were guards/teachers ever explicitly called out as priority - I seem to remember them agitating from early on to be bumped up the queue.

I donā€™t agree with your assertion that guards/teachers have been been asked to go to work while ā€œeveryone else is told to stay at homeā€ or that there risk levels are dramatically higher. Maybe in terms of public servants but not when you include the private sector. There are hundreds of thousands of workers who have not been at home during this crisis.You assert the risk is lower for all these workers. I presume this is a guess/assumption on your side or do you have data to back that up?

On a similar note did NIAC ever publish the data/analysis behind their recommendation as that would be informative?

If NIAC published their data in sure all my quibbles would be blown out of the water. Why donā€™t they I wonderā€¦

I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone in the private sector that is required to be in a room with 30 adults as secondary school teachers are, or in a room with 30 kids with no masks like primary school teachers. Iā€™d be more concerned about GardaĆ­ though, I donā€™t think anyone in any other job has to anything like what they have to.

What private sector workers are exposed to similar risks? Maybe I have a blind spot but I canā€™t think of any other jobs that people are being required to do that are ongoing that involve similar levels of risk. Carers and home help perhaps?

A lot more outbreaks in meat plants than schools I wouldā€™ve thought

Surely at this stage, a year later, thereā€™s data reflecting this substantially increased risk in terms of increased likelihood of getting it?

A quick Google found this - suggesting comparable levels of risk - which would back up the NIAC position.

Also noteworthy how many groups parrot the line ā€œfollow the experts adviceā€ when it aligns with their interests but are quick to rubbish the advice when it doesnā€™t


Similarly, reversing the decision to vaccinate teachers seems to have been the first thing the government have got right in 14 months :grinning:


Do you not see a massive difference between workers required to return to work, as a priority, while everyone else is told to work from home?

Itā€™s another example of NPHET taking the option that exposes them to less risk. Trying to vaccinate by job type would be a fucking car crash and they know it.

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Which member of NPHET infuriates you the most? It could make a TFK poll.

Henry is normally wheeled out on Saturday or Sunday morning by the river in Cork, preaching even more caution.

Glynn is pure harmless. When he was slaughtered the other week for asking ā€œpeople to do moreā€ he was like a rabbit in the headlights. A real substitute teacher vibe off him and nobody really takes him seriously.

De Gascunā€™s media appearances seem to have been curtailed lately.

Holohan hasnā€™t been seen in a while but I view him as a bit of a Bond villain, at home stroking the cat, a brandy in the other hand and telling Glynn on zoom what to say at that eveningā€™s press briefing. Maintain lockdown, I repeat maintain lockdown.

Nolan is the worst of them IMO. Real whiff of academic snobbery off him, he enjoys lecturing the plebs. If only they were as smart as me, vibe. Regularly does the media rounds about what we can ā€œexpectā€ for the summer etc, before itā€™s even discussed by the cabinet.

Iā€™d imagine heā€™s a thundering bollix off camera and widely disliked at Maynooth.


Set up a pole there lad

Thereā€™s a difference - Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d say ā€œmassiveā€ without data but either way guards/teachers are a small minority of ā€œworkers required to return to workā€ and that point only addresses likelihood to get infected, not severity of infection

Nolan and it ainā€™t close. I despise the way they wheel out Mary Favier when they want a member of NPHET not to speak for NPHET but from a personal capacity, which also just so happen to reflect the views of NPHET. Sheā€™s harmless enough though.

If you broadened it out to the ISAG crowd it would be a serious competition.


Iā€™d group special needs workers and SNAs in wit teacher. Who else is required to return to work? Whose condition are even vaguely comparable to teachers or GardaĆ­?

Who was the evil fucker they rolled out 6 weeks ago who said people should avoid saying final goodbyes to their dying loved ones in case they got covid?

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