Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Whereā€™s Dr Walley?

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COTY 2021 sewn up


On the HPSC reports it goes by date notified so all 9 would appear for today on the next applicable report.

Forgot about him. They wheeled him out again last night.

Was a false positive for one of the Dubai two. Both negative now


Fake news. But mission accomplished.


They had negative tests arriving

That PCR test at cycles of between 35-45 is a cod sure mate.

Anthony Fauci even admitted that at one stage.

Not below, but stillā€¦

It is referenced here though from last year.

Theyā€™ve exposed the whole thing as a cod.

[quote=ā€œglasagusban, post:6118, topic:33599, full:trueā€] Who else is required to return to work?

Are you for real?

Off the top of my head

Shop workers
Construction workers
Kitchen staff
Transport workers
Bank workers
@batigol and his airport buddies
Driving testers
Some office workers (not everything can be done by Zoom)
Defence forces
Delivery drivers/logistics

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Iā€™m dealing with lads and ladies so contagious they need to be locked up and I havenā€™t been vaccinated


Sorta like nphet

Sure they donā€™t count apparently

What are the odds eh?

I mentioned retail in most of my posts, though I think itā€™s clear they are behind GardaĆ­ and teachers in terms of risk. Most of the others youā€™ve listed are either (supposed to be) not working currently or not in anything like comparable conditions. Transport workers? You mean drivers? Bank workers not comparable. Batigol and his pals not comparable. Are driving tests still happening? Iā€™d be surprised if so. What are the defence forces doing that is comparable to the work of GardaĆ­?

You keep on saying thereā€™s much higher risk. Whereā€™s your data? At least I went to the effort of posting a BBC article showing any difference in risk was minimal.

Donā€™t forget it would have to be orders of magnitude higher risk to overcome the inherent risk caused by age.

When is Holohan back? Granted he has every right to be on leave due ro his personal circumstances. I reckon heā€™ll swoop back in the week before the next review of restrictions

I donā€™t have any data. I think that it is apparent that GardaĆ­ are required to be in risky situations as part of their job and I think it is also apparent that teachers who are required to go to work are thereby exposed to greater risk than people who are required to stay at home. I genuinely think thatā€™s a reasonable assumption. I donā€™t think itā€™s countered by any data. The BBC article you found and posted explicitly supports what Iā€™ve just said:
It would be ā€œnaiveā€ to think teachers going into schools wouldnā€™t have higher risks than those working from home, according to Dr Shamez Ladhani who is leading research for Public Health England. I genuinely think this is quite basic and Iā€™m not sure how you can argue otherwise.

Can we list all members for nomination. Maybe run a Tailteann Cup for the nphet members who donā€™t get through heat 1. Dr Tony cup. @Copper_pipe

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So approximately 30% of the workforce. Iā€™m in that list of yours, but near bottom of age list. Age list is the fairest