Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Donnelly’s department of clowns

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Can you imagine what it’ll be like when they try and implement a covid passport/certificate :joy:

Best Friends Love GIF by Target

Dr Ray Walley. He’s a bit of a scaremonger on Twitter as well. Ireland’s answer to Feigl-Ding.


Mad to get back to Loughrea. Sure you could hardly blame them.

What attracts them there? A meat factory?

It’s hard to see why Donnelly has suddenly gone off on this solo-run. Is it his idea, has Robert Watt gone native or what’s going on?

FWIW - on TV3 tonight Luke O’Neill saying studies saying teachers have 1.9 times chance of catching Covid vs general population and 3 times for special needs teachers/assistants


Pure act of desperation by some Fianna Fail politicians that are terrified of losing their seats and have seen the way the wind is blowing on this singular issue. I’d say Donnelly is terrified of losing his seat to the shinner is his constituency. Paul McAuliffe had a bizarre take on it today too. They have made a political football out of it only for it to rebound and hit them right in the schnoz.


Varadkar has shown his true colours, once again, Tim. Our fundamental rights are given recognition by constitutions and other such legal instruments. These rights are not created, but adhere in us by the simple fact that we were born. It is not within the authority or powers of any politician or any democratic government to offer an individual his or her rights. Unless we now living under a totalitarian dictatorship?


I have lost faith is most politicians at this point.


That seems to be it but it’s also self inflicted. Donnelly could easily have signposted this publically with a “we need to increase capacity”/ground flights message but just brazened ahead with a leak. He knew well this would cause all sorts of shit for the wider government but just did it.

The messages from FF on it to me sound like they are going to cave on it and want the blame firmly going one way.

Don’t think there is a meat factory there but I could be mistaken. Chanelle are there but they are pharmaceutical.

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Passing through, heading to Rio De Gort.

Beatty’s Hardware has good deals on Stihl mowers and strimmers at the minute.


Joe Rogan follows Ivor Cummins? @glenshane what’s the connection?

Cummins has been courting this a little…I think he’s had a guest or two on his podcast who’ve been on Rogan’s…and Cummins has been on a few US podcasts. The same names keep popping up over and over on a hape of those US shows…malice, Russell, Weinstein etc etc. Tom woods had some fella on promoting his book about fauci, within Sunday orbywo it was no. 1 on amazon. Serious clout, cummins has been on the woods podcast also. He’ll make a fortune


The flipside of the celebrity scientist coin

Yup. Except cummins went out on a limb and was right about 85% of the time…the alternative was to preach lockdown and never be wrong…the only way to get cases down is to lock down, if they come down it’s a success, if they dont then stay locked down until they do…and blame the unwashed