Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You’re arguing with someone who thinks everyone you listed is working at home. There’s clearly nobody actually working in shops, food processing, public transport, kitchens, construction, banks, etc. It’s all been done remotely.


People in those jobs also likely
To living in much more
Cramped living conditions where most cases spread.

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Please stop using this straw man.

  1. There are loads of workers not working from home which you repeatedly dismiss

  2. It is highly likely that the main risk factor is age. An increased level of one risk factor does not in itself mean this is the main determinant of overall risk

I personally don’t believe that any of those put themselves in situations every day that is comparable to what many teachers would, but that’s a very general point I suppose,

I’m seeing a lot of support for SNAs online but fuck all for teachers, I have a theory why, it’s a salt of the earth thing?

This is a total shitshow

Women are going to bring the country down.

Prime Time is like a transition year presentation here with Miriam’s planted questions.

They’re basically copying and pasting @Copper_pipe’s posts now.

That’s journalism now I suppose.

What’s this now?

I’m watching Family Guy :slight_smile:

They’re using the Swedish numbers to outline what deliveries we might get.

Copy someone’s homework, change it up a bit so you don’t get caught.

Sure - obviously the situations of all jobs are different. I haven’t seen much data though as to whether they are riskier to a level which outweighs the risk associated with age :man_shrugging: If there was conclusive data I suspect the respective unions would be repeatedly publicising it. Maybe they have - I just haven’t seen it. That data does seem to exist for direct contact healthcare workers in contrast.

The lack of data would suggest either it isn’t riskier than just being older or it’s fairly marginal - both of which would support the revised approach.

I don’t think any of what I’ve said is anti-teacher by the way.

I don’t think I accused you of being anti teacher??
I know what it’s like, I know what social distancing and hand washing and all that goes with that is with small kids, I know what it is to break up fights among them, be spat on, clean them up when they’re cut or have shit themselves
I just don’t think the office workers or delivery drivers are comparable


Yes you’ve said that but none of them are comparable to Gardaí or teachers.

Age is the main risk factor but it’s relevance diminishes rapidly as you go down from 60.

It’s definitely a tough job at times and to be clear I’m not arguing that there is no risk - just that it’s quite possible even probable that the revised approach taken by NIAC is the most prudent way to mitigate risk across the population

Thelma & Louise. And Bridie.

I’m glad you got there in the end.

Fair enough, I had this argument today in real life too with somebody very close to me,

I genuinely believe that it is not worth the risk of shutting down classes or schools for the sake of the few days it would take, the INTO fella on drive time tonight said it would take half a day in one venue to vaccinate all special school teachers and SNAs, that would be a great start

The big twist coming is the two dubai girls get bailed out at the last minute and when they go to meet the Mr Big they’ve been running drugs for the chair spins round and its Tony.


I thought that argument had some merit until someone here said that you have to self-isolate even if you’re vaccinated! So you could have a school full of vaccinated teachers but in comes a teenager with a positive test and the class is shut down anyway :man_shrugging:

Correct Vaccinations don’t remove need to self isolate.

After COVID-19 vaccination, you can still become a close contact of COVID-19. There is no change in advice for what close contacts of COVID-19 need to do, even if they have been vaccinated.