Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Not the first time Micheál Martin being ultra conservative in his message ends up agitating people and confusing matters. He’s completely inept.


You know the game Is up when mcconkey is now waffling about another new pandemic coming down the line and how we need to start planning for it.


I actually agree with him there, we have made a right fick up of this and it wasn’t a deadly disease in comparison to what could happen. We got off lightly or otherwise we would be fucked

The Andrew Wakefield affect? (With help from Robert DeNiro)
Measles is on the rise all over the world now as well, people have forgotten just how deadly those things were,

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There’ll never be another pandemic. A few lads will dreaming of another one for years to come but this is it for us thankfully. It’s like lads checking the weather every day in the winter desperately hoping for snow and ice.

Due to our demographics we have a lower ‘demand’ for ICU beds than the likes of Italy so there is some justification for not having as many resources dedicated towards ICU. Your general point on value for money is spot on though.


That would be a sensible course of action.

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There’s wan every 100 years or so. With the amount of people in the World and fuckers ating all sorts of animals I’d say it’s a safe bet there will definitely be another pandemic. Maybe within our lifetimes.

What will happen after this is countries all over the World will put huge resources into public health for about a decade, then it’ll tail off and everyone will forget about it until the next one appears.
Same principle as to why the number of people with Earthquake insurance rises dramatically in the years after an earthquake then falls away over the years.


They should have a pandemic button.

I’d say it’s fair to say that there’s a good chance things like this will appear from time to time, it makes sense to say that we should be prepared, some things are changed forever, maybe not everything for the worse.

With social media anything is possible


Yeah thank fuck small pox are gone. Vaccines by and far save more than the minimal amount of people who die from the vaccine. All medicines have risk

Its not beyond the realms of possibility but a decent plan in advance is needed regardless to be prepared rather than winging it like the last 12 months. Research into new therapies and drugs also required. Unfortunately a lot of stuff that has has helped fight covid was politicised by trump etc.

Also for next 3 or 4 years you’ll have the media hyping every new virus thats detected

Whatever about the State being prepared for another pandemic in the future, people themselves may be by retaining some muscle memory of the measures needed to prevent spread etc
People in Hong Kong, South Korea & Taiwan, all cited as having had good responses to this pandemic, would credit people’s remembered behaviours from the previous SARS and MERS as part of the reason


Media Statement

“The General Secretaries of the Association of Garda Chief Superintendents, the Association of Garda Superintendents, The Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors, and the Garda Representative Association met with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronan Glynn this morning.

What is clear to all Garda Associations after this meeting is that it is solely a Government decision to move to an Age-Based Vaccination System, and as the representatives of the majority of workers in the Garda Organisation, we will continue to advocate to Government to vaccinate all members of An Garda Siochana as a matter of urgency.”

Those who attended the meeting were:

  • Association of Garda Chief Superintendents General Secretary, Fergus Healy
  • Garda Superintendents Association General Secretary, Michael Comyns
  • AGSI General Secretary, Antoinette Cunningham
  • GRA General Secretary, Philip McAnenly

Here we go - vaccination rollout tennis

What does that mean?

Was there ever any doubt it was a gov decision - the usual line is NPHET (and NIAC) advise and government decide.

At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was ‘not done’ to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness.

Animal Farm