Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The line from the government has been that this came from NIAC, they’re the experts they recommended this, we’re following their advice, it’s based on the science.

As I’ve said, my view is that the decision was made purely to make it logistically easier and faster.

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Whatever about teachers, there’s only around 13k/14k Gardai in the country. They’d be done relatively quickly.

Considering most of them are coming face to face with the general public daily then surely it’s a no-brainer to get them vaccinated.

I’d certainly have them above teachers in the priority list.

I’d be the opposite. Most guards have very little risk from their dealings with the public I’d imagine

He has to go

Are they saying NIAC didn’t recommend this?

Why are NIAC coming out and saying they recommended it if they didn’t?

“The needle was just resting in my arm”



An additional 423 new cases of Covid-19 and five further deaths related to the virus have been reported on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, a Government official said a further easing of Covid-19 restrictions from May onwards will be considered by Cabinet “if we can hold firm for a little bit longer”.

At a Covid-19 briefing, assistant secretary general at the Department of Taoiseach Liz Canavan said the further easing could include the return of construction, retail, hairdressers as well as the reopening of cultural sites.

“If we can hold firm for a little bit longer, and if the health situation allows, a further of easing of restrictions will be considered from May 4th. Areas being considered are the full reopening of construction, the phased return of non-essential retail starting with click and collect and outdoor retail like garden centres and nurseries, the recommencement of personal services on a staggered basis, reopening of museums, galleries and libraries and the recommencement of religious services on a staggered basis.”

From next Monday, people will be asked to “stay local” as the 5km limit on non-essential trael is eased to allow in-county travel along with journeys within a 20km radius across county borders.

From the same date, people can also meet one other household outdoors but not in gardens. All residential construction will also restart.

Secondary school students from first to transition year will also return to schools for the first time this year.

From April 19th, elite sport will return as well as training for and playing for adult intercounty GAA. On April 26th, outdoor sports facilities can reopen such as tennis courts and golf courses.

They held an old man down and forcibly injected him. Disgraceful

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I think Glynn told them it was nothing to do with me it’s a government decision.

What I think happened is D/health and the HSE were getting concerned as they approached the next stage of the vaccine rollout that the logistics were difficult and they’d make a fuck of it. Look how many admin staff and others have snaked vaccines so far. They were probably concerned they’d get bogged down and slowed down, perhaps that’s a valid concern. So they said, should we review the priority list. NIAC reviewed the priority list (with this in mind) and lo and behold they came up with the simplest priority list possible, which would make the programme much easier and possibly faster to implement (which is indeed a plausible approach). Of course they can’t say that’s the sole reason so it’s presented as based on the science.

This may sound far fetched but it’s not when you see that NIAC is substantially made up of senior officials from D/Health, the HSE, the deputy CMO and a couple of others. They committee didn’t have their scheduled meeting and decide off their own bat, do you know what, our earlier recommendation was wrong we must review it and present our new plan to government all of a sudden.

The neverending lockdown loop and waves as proposed by Zero covid zealots.


No mention of the likes of vitamin D then from the same cunts until over a year into this pandemic.


It’s hard to believe these cretins are still trying this shit. Fuck the fuck off. They should be pelted with rotten fruit any time they raise their heads.


Instead you may meet them in the over crowded parks we will also be asking you to avoid

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Fifth wave?!

They are still on the third in Europe. We are streets ahead


Is there not signs advising against that?

Yes apparently so. Fairly confusing article. They will have their supporters but I think its the sting of a dying wasp territory for them now. Language will get more exaggerated as the research and funding windows get smaller.

Important to plan ahead ffs sake.