Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I thought he was fair enough on that myself. What’s the point of him speculating how he will respond to NIAC live on air.

I think the main issue is that there is no globally recognized system in place to show one has been fully vaccinated.

Some countries might have the vaccine app and some might have paper certs. They’ll need to train staff checking these certs on what is a real/fake cert.

Pre vaccine the OIUTF crew always trotted out ‘protect the vulnerable’ without explaining how it could be done. It’s pie in the sky gibberish. No one has done it.

Many mistake Ireland as having lockdowns. We haven’t. We’ve had a mish mash of different strategies/restrictions. Our government have always been invertebrate cowards so to expect them to be any different during Covid is naive. We’re lucky we’re an island or there’d be far more fatalities.

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Locking people up is clearly the more sensible approach.

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Donnelly has just introduced a new law that gives vaccinated people more freedoms.

What constitutes a vaccinated person in Irish terms? We don’t have vaccine passports here either. Would people who were vaccinated abroad be allowed to exercise those freedoms given there is no international system, as you mention?

I fail to see how it is in anyway proportionate to taking away someone’s liberty. Ryan talked about the EU Digital Pass. But what about the rest of the world?

What’s interesting is that the fact they have introduced new freedoms undermines the argument for vaccine escape that they are also trying to put forward for international vaccinated travellers.

My wife has been allowed open her business for about 12 weeks in a year. I’d say we’re very much locked down.


The logic is not sound. It is completely wrong to lock up people over 70 for the simple fact that they are over 70. It is immoral and it is discriminatory. The response to this virus had and has to be all of society together.

She needs to do more


As far as I know for Ireland (at the moment anyway) you get a small card that fits into your wallet that has the dates of your vaccines. Maybe @dodgy_keeper can confirm?

I’m going to go for a spin back to Mountcollins, just because I can

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It’s hand written. Anyone could comes across one and fill it out.

Well he didnt say lock them up - and yes, i did say in theory it sounds good but putting it into practice isnt that easy … but now you have over 70s allowed go to hair dressers and people’s homes and what not and younger people are being locked out, where does that add up?

Vistaprint might make up a few for me.

Is there a difference in the rules currently for the elderly? I wasn’t aware of that.

According to the Act, this is what a vaccinated person is.

By my reading, if you were vaccinated in the North, you would not be allowed to enjoy the extra freedoms they are giving vaccinated people.

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Same in UK

It would appear to be that way alright…

Unfortunately there’s very few over-70 hairdressers on the go out there

Is it like the hand made driving licenses we used to have :joy:


Really? I thought it was the case that he’d abandoned his Catholic faith some 20 odd years before 1916, but then turned back to it the night before his execution.

Edit to add this link which contains some discussion of Connolly’s attitude to religion and whether he was a Christian Socialist