Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Interesting reaction from the zero coid supporters on the Irish Times poll on twitter



Tom Ryan was hopping mad.

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It’s a cult. All the disciples were mobilised into action this morning. There will likely assimilate into some form of far left political movement.


That might be the case. Ryan’s 20 point plan had reference to workers rights, overcrowded housing etc. The Soc Dems would be the natural home, middle class lefties.


Imagine someone disagreeing with you and you just dismiss it. A cult is right

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Its amazing how the ordinary Joe Soap is lampooned for having an opinion on the pandemic and the line " we have so many armchair epidemiologists" is trotted out. But when the so called experts confidentially assert opinions outside their chosen field the same scrutiny is not applied. ISAG seem to be experts on the border issue that took a 100 years to solve, a UN recognised peace treaty, interventions from US president and other global figures and has more border crossings than the whole of Europe. Climate change, Labour relations and rights, construction and property markets, aviation are other strings they have added to their bow.


Because you aren’t a doctor your not entitled to ask questions. Simple as


That kind of thing over and over again is as much of a factor as your lack of a medical degree

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Most grammar nazis have moved to the zero covid mantra now, when are you transferring?

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It’s a reason why medical negligence insurance premiums are so high

People are afraid to challenge doctors.

They should just give Ryan a job in a quarantine hotel to give him some fulfilment out of this. Like Cartman as the hall monitor.


Always get second opinion people end up dead too because of the ignorance of doctors

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Absolute madness.


Police state.

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I think large groups of people meeting up is stupid, but it’s not a good look to preventing people exercise their democratic right to protest peacefully.

Would they close the park if it was a BLM protest or some fucking LGBTQ+ march - they would in their bollocks.

Fucking cunts.


Or if davos stooge bono needed to graze his sheep


I’m gonna have to have a coffee and a biscuit after reading that

We’re through the looking glass Dorothy