Coronavirus - Here come the variants

776/29 steady enough the whole time

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776 is very disappointing.

Was hoping we’d be consistently below 500 by now

It doesn’t matter that case numbers are going up, the positivity rate is going down… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’ve heard multiple people tell me today that the government voted against mandatory hotel quarantine around lunchtime today. I can’t find any mention of this vote in the media. Did it happen?

There was 2 votes.

1st was the vote for mandatory hotel quarantine for those coming from one of the 20 countries on the list. That passed.

The 2nd vote was for mandatory hotel quarantine for everyone entering the country. That didn’t pass.

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Yeah thanks. To be honest that misinformation people swallow from SF and from the government alike is fairly frightening.

A sad day in the history of the state. Locking up people who’ve done nothing wrong AND tested negative.

I can test positive tomorrow and go straight into Tesco


Just had a quick look there and the 18 added countries on the banished to hotels list are nowhere on the list of countries with a high number of new Covid cases (last few days reported) while bar Brazil the 20 countries with the highest number of new Covid cases are not on the list.

It basically looks like a list of countries purely based on racism.

So you agree with it then?

No, why don’t you explain the logic of it to me.

tenor (72)

The list appears to be focusing mainly on the SA variant and on countries where that likely already is. And Brazil (that variant helpfully stayed in Brazil).

There is no actual evidence that the South African variant causes any more serious illness than any other variant, and no actual evidence that the existing vaccines don’t work as well against it as any other variant.

But sure let’s set government policy on some non specific worry from the Twitterverse.


If variants were the issue (they’re not but if they were), the government have tackled the UK one by banning flights for a week, the Brazilian one by making South Americans visa required and the South African one by making a few random African countries face mandatory quarantine.

The virus is kept guessing


Ye must be flying through the vaccines over there mate. My mate in NC was telling me he’s getting it next week, anyone who wants it now just needs to book an appointment

oh you thought people would stay indoors and believed in the “lockdown”?

Correct. They came up with it because Boris brought this variant shit to the fore pre Christmas and didn’t count on it putting the wind in the sails of Zero Covid zealots. They came up with their list based on the least offensive and least damaging countries to do it from- well for whities anyway.

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The US just crossed 21% or 70 million today I think, but we are lagging badly out here west, only at 15% so far. Did the EU cross the 5% threshold yet?

No we are keeping the vaccines for later