Coronavirus - Here come the variants

What a fucking idiot

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It’s mad the selective reporting of this. Showing the guards charge but not what led to it. The fucking scumbag.


I would be shocked if the narrative around this is pro the protesters.


No this will be described as a violent protest

It’s bad news for oiutf anyway. Any opposition to lockdown again associated in the public mind with scumbags and Gemma o Doherty types.


Has been since the start. Its unfortunate but great propaganda from the government. Its mad that fg avoid the right wing tag too

They could have arrested the ape who launched the firework. I don’t think the baton charge was proportionate at all to be honest.

Looked to be very peaceful other than that.

If your protestors act like scumbags then it’s not inaccurate propaganda to label them as scumbags

The vibe off that protest from the start would appear to be extremely confrontational which is quite different to some of the (to my mind I’ll-advised) BLM and similar marches last year

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It was an act of aggression against the police force. Twice.

What did you expect them to do? ‘Excuse me sir, would you mind if we arrested you?’


That was nowhere near proportionate force as allowed in the legislation. It was random violence by AGS. that said, the cunt with the fireworks should be shot

Isolate the protaganist maybe? Rather than lose the head and wildly attack innocent people expressing their democratic right to protest?

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Don’t be talking shite.


By one individual. Arrest him.

No need to indiscriminately wade in and baton peaceful protesters around the head.


Fuck yourself you auld cunt.

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Isolate me bollix.


Why couldnt they?

The videos I’ve seen arent proportionate, one ape like that is surely easily picked up.

Any protest will be high jacked by the right wing. From the video you can clearly see one mongo use the fireworks to set everything off. The gardai were instructioned to close off Stephens green to stop the protest yet at the height of lockdown 1 the BLM protest happened to a big cheer for something that happened in the states, unrelated to Ireland. What’s the difference between the protests? Whether you agree or disagree with either there is some hypocrisy.


The Gardai could have blocked the road behind the protesters, and then could have easily caught the guy firing the rocket.

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And how were they to arrest him without wading in?

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The fucker with the firework should be jailed for 10 years.