Coronavirus - Here come the variants


Any protest against lockdown should be allowed. So should blm in my opinion. Both are allowed or both are not.

Violence and attacking the gardai is not acceptable. The violence in blanch after the young fella was shot a few weeks ago was not acceptable but they were allowed and should be allow protest.




You donā€™t need to baton other people, who are standing doing nothing around the head, to catch him.

Place is covered with CCTV. He can be easily identified and picked up.

The cops involved lost control and clearly lost their tempers.

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Well hard right protests are at a higher risk to be high jacked by the hard right to be sure.


Iā€™m surprised at you. I can only presume youā€™re amusing yourself as the rugby is no contest.

So anyone in your opinion who oppose the restrictions is far right?

Oh so let your man go after nearly blinding us. Weā€™ll get him later on after we review the CCTV.

I donā€™t like what weā€™re becoming as a country.

Police baton charging a crowd on Grafton St in the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday.

The guy who fired firework should be arrested but there are people in that video who are exercising their right to be there peacefully, whether you agree with them or not, who are struck by batons.


Tfk 1/2/2021 ā€œwe need a Lugs Brannigan type guard to give young lads a clip around the earā€
Tfk 27/2/2021 ā€œthe guards should be more polite to young lads throwing fireworks at themā€


T1 wedged with cunts with fake dental appointments in Tenerife


Letā€™s flip this, which of the lads hit with batons either committed an arrestable offence, or were presenting a threat to others that allowed the gardai to deploy force and if that was the case, was the force used proportionate?

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The airport is empty. What would you expect at a time like this?

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The force was entirely proportionate


Clearly not

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Look, Iā€™m not a wish washy virtue-signalling social-democrat type. Iā€™d have strong issues with the lockdown. Protesting like this though is fairly out there to my mind itā€™s clear that there is a head-banger far right feel to it. Out of interest - what group organised it abd which political movements were represented at it?

I also think the protests last year were ill-advised. Protest is a fundamental right but at the time of a pandemic youā€™d want to think hard about why and how you do it.

Their job is to protect people.

First of all if itā€™s a high risk scenario they should be in riot gear with helmets and visors.

They waded in and baton charged people and caused a stampede.

Itā€™s shite policing.


Where are the Brazilians going home? Where are the influencancers going to dubai? Where are the middle class going skiing in Italy? Probably murdering grannies

That I would imagine is in the eye of the beholder.

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