Coronavirus - Here come the variants

For nearly 60 years I’ve been a cocky
Droughts and fires and floods I’ve lived through plenty
This country’s soil and mud has seen my tears and blood
But its nearly over now and now I’m easy

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I was alright til you arrived

A great tune, one of my go-tos after a couple of glasses of whiskey.


I’m not having Fran McNulty at all at all.

I also find the fact that he’s got ginger hair (but only on each side of his head) to be troubling.

He’s dreadful. Of all the talentless fucks on RTE he takes the biscuit. Wonder whose cock he sucked got that gig?

Eric Bogle is a genius


I doubt the baby will know the difference

Martin trying to make a virtue out of being the only European country with mandatory hotel quarantine.

Met a Consultant today who went to college with McDonkey and knows him well. They have the opposite views on the pandemic.

After what I heard McDonkey should never be let on the radio or telly.


We’re great Europeans.

Any of them hoping for jobs in Europe after this have totally fucked themselves. :grinning:

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Big Phil would never have allowed it to come to this


McConkey’s view on the swine flu from 2009.

‘‘Even if you erred on the side of caution and estimated that one million people got it, and that one in every 1,000 of those people were to die, it is like four jets going down in Dublin airport.”

That statistic comes from someone who should know; Professor Sam McConkey, head of the Department of International Health and Tropical Medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).


Go on…



We had really no social media Brendas and Nualas back then

The wife was telling me about the first correspondence this surrogacy couple got from the government when they asked about an exemption. It was straight from the Kieran O’Donnell school of ignorance.

Something along the lines of “you could afford the surrogacy, you can afford the MHQ”. Talk about wholly missing the point!

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