Coronavirus - Here come the variants


Champ knows he’s a busted flush FFinished

Annual boosters , why not sure.

If you said that months ago you would have been branded a conspiracy theorist

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Likes of the would never “fact check” that though the utter cunts.


Can you fact check a fact check? It’s as useful as vitamin supplements bottles saying made in a gmp environment

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In fairness after a quick check there, RTE have it well flagged the other day. You couldn’t be up to those nasty variants. 2023??

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How can they be so sure about so called future variants?

In all fairness, how can the EU justify preordering 1.8 billion vaccines like that when you"d assume they were confident jab 1&2 this year were going to work.

Doesnt make sense to me - unless they’re expecting another wave regardless next Autumn.

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Are we thr only country talking about variants?

Seems that once you are fully vaccinated the variants are not a big deal.

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People are going to be in for an awful shock next September/October when we need to protect the health service again from being overwhelmed.

Lovely soundbites today around a half decent summer - it won’t open fully, and people lapping it up and talking up FG as if they’re not centrally to blame for this along with FF and the Greens who they are in government with.

Hopping balls or not, that Simon Harris is a slippery cunt and as dangerous as any of them.


Harris is by far the worst of them. Using social media for the nice guy image to hide his utter incompetency in every role he’s ever held


Why would you be ordering the 2nd generation vaccines then mate to bring us up to 2023?

Just to be prudent maybe?

He’s a snakey cunt.

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Head boy

Doesn’t seem like any variant can fully dodge or escape the vaccines (despite what the Zero Coviders say) but there may be some reduced efficacy. Presume the boosters are being developed to provide the same very high efficacy against all the variants as well.


Lads I taught the vaccine works against SA variant. Some doctor on Matt copper saying other wise.

Are variants not a load of BS.

Very positive P&L on the balance sheets of the big pharma manufacturers you’d have to say too mate.

Oh no doubt.

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The limited studies to date suggest the vaccines don’t work as well against the SA variant, in that people are getting mild to moderate illness. There have been no hospitalizations or deaths though as far as I’m aware, so they are helping.

I think the best way to think about it is like the flu, Covid is so widespread now that it will continue to mutate and variants may emerge that the current vaccines are not well equipped to deal with. So just like the flu shot changes every year, there may be a somewhat different vaccine needed as time goes on. I see absolutely no other way out of this in terms of protecting the vulnerable, blaming the pharma companies is just silly, they are our only way back to a somewhat normal life.

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