Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Lets see how the first generation rollout goes first would be my view.

Why not just focus the vaccines on the elderly and vulnerable who wish to take them after that if they’re not permanent as you say and let everyone else take their chances like we have always done with the flu vaccines?

The mandatory aspect to this you don’t seem to be considering at all.

Many types of medicine are lucrative for pharmaceutical companies. I’m not sure how that’s relevant.

I am saying that I see vaccines as the way out of the pandemic. If it is the case that their effect wears off, then it is likely that the virus and it’s impacts would return, and so to stop that you’d have booster shots.

This all seems very basic and sensible to me.

There is no mandatory aspect, you’ve made that up.

The discussion on why most people should get the vaccine has been had already, I’m going to go over it again.


Why vaccines for all though.

You never answered if you get the flu jab annually.

What are the impacts of vaccines on natural immunity?

Not yet - lets see how that plays out.

From what I can see its only a matter of time via vaccine passports etc and this so called “vaccine bonus”.

I’ve given you and TMI the reasons why I think most people should take the vaccines. I’ve referred you back to that post a number of times already when you’ve repeated the same questions at me again.

You must have an awful short memory.

I haven’t answered your question about the flu vaccine because I think it is stupid and irrelevant.

Great. So you’ve started out with having a problem with booster vaccines, but you can’t give a reason why, except a made up reason that doesn’t relate back to your initial problem.

Is that it?


It’s an entirely relevant question. Flu is a virus that comes around every winter season, it kills people and overwhelms the hospitals but it’s generally only really a threat to the elderly and medically compromised.

So it is entirely relevant.

You have a real issue in being challenged on your idiotic views.

No, I don’t think it’s comparable at all. Over a year after the onset of this pandemic, you’d want to be either a complete crackpot or an utter simpleton to be talking about the flu.

Which is it?

The only crackpot here is you which is why you’re getting stroppy and hysterical when you’re being challenged. You’ve been asked pertinent questions on whether or not you avail of the annual flu jab and you’ve thrown your toys out of the pram.

Can’t compare the excess death figures in the south, but up north there were 120 excess deaths in the Covid season Dec-Mar 20/21 in comparison to the Winter flu season 17/18. Now we all know how Covid during the winter season just gone was reported. Gates of hell type/armageddon reporting.

Winter flu season 17/18 was just people batting their eyes.

Of course you don’t think it’s relevant because you’re a petulant and silly little snowflake who does not like being challenged on her ridiculous world views.

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Honestly, that’s a really stupid post that’s not worth engaging with. You can do better at times in fairness to you.

My reasoning pal would be that if these 1st generation jabs are only going to provide protection for 6 to 12 months - its all the more reason not to take them up if you are young and relatively healthy.

Long term side effects and certainly trials for annual boosters are not completed.

Will they be completed before the boosters are rolled out?

You’re the chickenshit who is petrified to actually try and discuss the absolute nonsense you’re pedaling.

You’re simple and cowardly.

Let’s have another look at Winter Flu 18/17 season to Winter Covid season 20/21.

In Dec/Jan 20/21 Covid season we had 3,578 deaths up north, 1,068 of those deaths (30%) were attributed to Covid.

In Dec/Jan 17/18 we had 3,460 deaths. So what were 30% of those deaths related to? Sheer bad luck? There was a 3.4% rise in deaths between the two periods yet we are meant to believe without questioning or challenging that 30% of deaths just gone were related to Covid whereas other years with high deaths at winter had absolutely nothing to do with flu.

There’s a reason why simpletons like @glasagusban won’t engage in debate. They know they aren’t articulate or intelligent enough to frame a logic and evidence based argument to support their shrieking hysteria.

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Everyone can see you know for the dim and empty shrieker you so toddle off.

Leave the debating to the big boys.

They are running scared of the courts


We have then on the run.

When you think about it, it’s outrageous that they resisted these concessions at first, and are only reluctantly backing down.

Lads on another busy day of it.

Do any of ye lads work?

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