Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The kinevis drawn protecting the health service is more important than freedom. The PUP is probably cheaper than fixing the health service

It probably is when you consider how much of a bollocks we make of throwing good money after bad on the health service, per capita we habe not being getting our moneys worth for a long time.

The PUP payments in 2020 significantly increased our national debt too though. And regardless of the supposed free money tree we have at the moment from the ECB that will have to be paid back.

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We’re fucked. You’ll have the same people calling for lockdowns bitching about tax in 2 years.

Only way I can see us getting the money to pay the debt without raiding current taxes or austerity is legalisation of cannabis and taxing it

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Erra, lets aim for a decent enough summer and let September onwards look after itself mate.

Things could be looking a lot better by then maybe.

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The obstacle to legalisation is Breda and
Nuala so you can forget about that.


Breda, Nuala, Stephen and Simon.

Four cunts.

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A tangent but relevant to this thread. Does anyone know why public health specialists weren’t consultants before, or why they should be now? My impression is that they don’t do the same or equal work to other consultants and so why should they be, but perhaps I’m completely wrong there. It does appear to be a fact that Ireland has a low number of public health doctors in the system.

I will take the open goal and say cash money. There are plenty making a profit off of this?

Public Health medicine is a female dominated specialty

The bond rates were substantially higher on yesterday’s issue than last time, but still very low.

The big worry is the Autumn and if there is a rise in cases will there be a knee jerk to restrictions and lock downs with all the legislation still in place to allow it. It’s hard to unring a bell.

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100% mate.

Variation on the same topic that I’ve questioned all along by, perhaps I need to let ye off.
I don’t believe it’s difficult to unring tie bell in this scenario, we can never knee jerk into a lockdown situation again, unless we see a return to the scenes from Italy last year, that won’t happen, but if it does all bets are off.
People will not accept fresh lockdowns, it’s ridiculous to suggest that government would welcome it. NPHET only have any power so long as they have public support

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I hope you’re right but it’s now accepted that a lock down can happen. To impose another one is a far lower bar. It’ll be interesting to see when case numbers go off the headlines and if they come back on the headlines.

As we’ve seen over last year people generally do what they are told and follow any rules and laws a government brings in.


I’ve made this point many times.the government is currently weak, but conditions are going to change very fast and will enable the government to finally sideline NPHET.

Just wondering, what’s wrong with annual boosters? If it is a choice between annual boosters or we are back in a pandemic again, which would you choose?

If they’re not competent at stuff they’re trained to do what chances of them being competent at organising a coup. Lot of people losing the run of themselves. It’s amusing cos they’re the ones going on about Breda and Nuala. Irony lost on them.

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Why are annual boosters on the table before the first generation of Pzizer vaccines have been fully rolled out and proven to work pal?

Surely that should be Pzizer’s priority or am I missing something?

Pretty stupid choice you’re given me there to be honest between annual boosters for the entire population or a continued pandemic.

Only those in the demographics at risk of the virus should get boosters.

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I don’t understand you. They may become necessary, as protection from the vaccine may not be permanent. The same as the flu vaccine. The vaccines may also need to be tweaked as time goes on, also the same as the flu vaccine.

This seems sensible.


And lucrative for pharmaceutical companies?

Are you saying that we should get annual jabs for a virus that does not contain much risk to the majority of the population?

Do you get the flu jab annually?