Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Another case of zero substance.

You’re a spoofer and you’re doubling down on your ineptness to frame a rational, logic-based argument.

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“Don’t overdress your thought in fine language”

Marcus Aurelius

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Get a job lads. Do ye good.

You know you could have just told him you disagree. Why all the insults? It’s sad to see a man of your enormous intellect resort to ad hominems.

Some smack down for Donnelly. He’s goosed now, if he backs down he’s been made the EUs bitch, if he doesn’t he’s causing a diplomatic nightmare

How can you back track on measures that were only last week absolutely vital to the safety of the state

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Good luck to the team currently negotiating how much money Ireland is going to get from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

not a good time to be in the perm rep :smiley:

Someone has made the point that even the exemption for vaccinated people is discriminatory. You could have a parent travelling with a child, who cannot get a vaccine, and have to go in MHQ.

It’s such a shitshow, and it was entirely signposted that it would be.


Oh no.

Quite the opposite. Here you are, more than a year later, guffing about death rates. If death rate was the problem, there would be no problem. Has all this crisis, then, just been for the craic, because no one would listen to a paranoid lad on the internet?

You are the completely irrational one, as any sensible person can see. No vaccination, pretty much. And just let the virus rip through society and off we go, back to February 2020.

By any standards, that ‘position’ is moronic.

You also appear to believe you are some of pure cast left wing person. Yet here you are, holding hands with advocates for The Barrington Declaration – and you cannot descry the irony.

Tis coldly laughable. Then again, Piers Corbyn is Jeremy Corbyn’s brother.

More insults.

Zero substance.

You’re a beaten docket. A sad indictment for Irish hacks.


There is plenty of history there.

And there is only way to deal with self confident fools.

Otherwise I am very polite.

Hopefully some day you can figure it out.

So: you have no substantive answer about the (in)significance of death rates.

Fair enough.


I have given you substantive arguments, you have responded with a litany of insults and nothing based on logic, fact or data.

Framing something intelligent and logical is beyond you which is you revert to debasing any discussion with your abusive tripe.

Our lockdowns are a capacity issue, not necessarily death rate. I thought we all knew that.

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Why did we never bother to have lockdowns for winter flu season when deaths spike.

Ok for people to die from flu. Not ok for people to die from Covid. That seems to be the crackpot logic of the world’s unenlightened.


I love Marcus Aurelius. He the balm of many a frustration.

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This is a new an interesting (bizarre) new line of reasoning you’ve embarked off down today.

So why do we accept the level of death we have done in flu season historically.

Prove me wrong and give me something substantive that challenges what I have put forward or just confirm to everyone that you just like to snipe and run away when you are challenged on your bullshit and hypocrisy.

No, you have not. All you did was recite a few death rates, like a Senior Infants class learning multiplication tables.

You have nothing substantive whatsoever to say – twelve months later. You are a left wing loon holding hands with right wing loons.

Beats me how someone cannot grasp the distinction between infection rate and death rate. But there it is, I suppose – a Quay Street of the mind.