Coronavirus - Here come the variants

No, I’d rather not engage with your sillines.

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It’s substantive and based on data. Data that you have failed to challenge.

You play the man because you can’t play the ball.

How many posts have you had here and nothing intelligent has ever came out of one. I prefer to put forward grounded and intelligent discussion. You prefer to debase intelligent and rational discussions with insults.

But you did engage me.

Then when it came to you having to substantiate your petty, infantile snipes you shat yourself, again, as you always do.

Zero substance, zero backbone.

What new data have you? Nothing. You are talking nonsense – and fluffing yourself, because no one could.

You recited a few death rates that are well known. So what? What do those death rates prove as regards measures?

You would literally say anything in service of OIUTF. Your whole identity, for whatever reason, has pivoted to loonacy.

I know this point might be particularly difficult for you to grasp but conceptual distinctions are every bit as much a part of analysis as data.

Come on ffs…

Great move by Donnelly piss off the EU they stop buying our bonds to fund PUP and all the other supports ergo out of lockdown pronto.

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I’m talking facts.

You’ve had ample opportunities to engage, to offer something alternative, to dispute my points, to say something intelligent.

You instead resorted to insults. You did so because you’re extremely insecure, you fear me and you fear my debating skills. You’re a one trick pony, lots of big words but you don’t even know how to use them effectively.

You’re the most incompetent debater on this site.


I did.

Then you started shiteing on about flu vaccines, and led yourself down a rabbit hole where you’ve now equated covid to the flu.

As I said, it’s complete nonsense and I’ve no interest in engaging with it.

Good luck and thanks.

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Stoicism is a good as any a model to run a life to.

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Right so we can confirm that you engaged me and then in the subsequent post where I only probed are you going to offer anything behind your empty snipes, you toddled off saying you’re not going to engage me on this “silliness”.

The reality is you no had no problem engaging me whether or not it was silly. You only had a problem when it came to you substantiating your empty snipes.

Zero substance, zero backbone.

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I fear you…

By jaysus, that one really gave me a good laugh!

No, actually. I despise you, like I despise all self confident fools – especially the OIUTF kind.

Only someone as monumentally egotistical as you could come out with that craic. You have been utterly destroyed for the moron you are. And I make no apologies for my tone, given the tone you had adopted with @glasagusban.

‘Death rates, death rates!’ Is the sum total of your argumentative ‘skills’. Takes quite some ego to believe anyone would pale before that shite.

You fear a debate with me. 100%, anyone without agenda can see that you resort to insults because you have nothing else.

If you dared to, if you had the balls to, if you had semblance of courage you would park your insults and try and discuss this like a grown up without the need to debase this thread to an exchange of tired, rehearsed insults.

But you are simply incapable, you know you don’t have it in you to out forward a reasoanble or intelligent contribution.

Like a typical hack all you can do is spew your shite.


You can all bullshit all you want but I feel safer now than I did a few weeks ago. And not only that but if my computer crashes I have a direct line to Bill Gates.


TFK might have found its Pacquaio / Marquez

Here is what I supposedly fear: Covid-19 equals flu.

This stuff is getting on for certifiable.


What you fear is having the forum to watch me handing you your arse on a plate.

The opportunity is there big boy? Put your money where your mouth is.

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I fear a debate with you…?

Have you no idea at all of how big a clown you are making of yourself? None at all? Tis gas…

I just cancelled the whole basis of your identity, while your ego had you looking the other way. Without even breaking sweat.

You could give me a topic about which I know nothing – and a couple of hours to bone up. Two hours later, I would make mincemeat of you on the topic. Why? Because you are an egotistical moron.

‘Death rates! Death rates! Be afraid! Be very afraid!’

This pandemic has sure been a clarifying process.

You are so stupid that you are now recycling phrases I first used…



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