Coronavirus - Here come the variants

And the band played Waltzing Matilda
When we stopped to bury our slain
Well we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
Then it started all over again

Hey that’s @iron_mike gig


The UK are planning to more or less do it next month.

I’m not arguing for anything… People just need to look around at what’s actually happening Vs what they want to happen. We’ll have restrictions gradually eased as vaccinations increase but vulnerable or not, crowds and gatherings will be capped. You’re looking at next summer before a decent crowd can go to a GAA match. Vaccines are all new and variations are popping up…i agree with a lot of what @Tierneevin1979 is saying but I don’t know why lads are now getting all prissy about flu rates v covid… that’s tinfoil hat stuff. It’s been clear from the off our lockdowns have been about a poor health system… Until the majority of us have had a vaccine there’s no way they’ll risk widescale opening.

Oh jaysus…

If there are 20000 cases a day, with each person infected having ten close contacts (a highly conservative figure in a fully opened up society), you then have 220000 people in a 14 day lockdown.

Would you consider this factor part of a normally functioning society?

Not back to normal though.

More or less, nightclubs open etc.

Hungary are planning their matches for 100% capacity this summer at the Euros.

Great fact based logical argument there Doofus.

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Ok - we’ll see what happens.

A common sense period.

[Sorry, I have to interrupt here]

But you wouldn’t because no-one would give a shit who has covid or not because the elderly and vulnerable would have been vaccinated.

Just accept that no non-vulnerable young person gives a shit whether they get covid or not*. They’re only worried for their parents and grandparents.

*or at least they don’t care enough to lockdown


We will. It’s going to be interesting. Restrictions are going to roll back in a lot of countries progressing their vaccination rollout during the coming months. Signs from Israel are finally looking encouraging.

Restrictions heavily rolled back and daily case numbers dwindling.


I’d consider it more normally functioning than a society in full lockdown, possibly for years.

We will be stone last in the vaccine rollout, surely the figures from everywhere else will give us the information and answers. Full capacity events are happening already elsewhere were all the punters attending vaccinated?

I feel like I’ve done a great job badgering @Malarkey into addressing a few of his points and exposing himself as an absolute idiot in doing so.

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Our politicians are gutless. That needs to be worked into the xg equation… Our hope is most of Europe motoring and us being shamed into it. I suppose we’ll see how good the vaccine is come June as thousands of riddled southerners flee across the border to the vaccinated North.

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The 14 day quarantine will be abandoned, the only people who will quarantine are those that are genuinely sick (and @Batigol 's lads who don’t want to go to work because they have the vaccine flu).

Open the fucking barbers ta fuck


This is exactly it and we knew it from the get go too, we will still be county bound in August while the Premiership games across the way will have crowds of up to 30 odd thousand depending on stadium size.

Next October will tell a lot in relation to these vaccines here.

The fact that they’re now saying they’re effects are not permanent leads me to believe we’ll be in level 5 lockdown next winter again, I’ve no doubt about it cc @backinatracksuit

Hope I’m wrong but I think a lot of people are in for a big shock.

Lockdowns are what is being deemed as the only tool to fully prevent future waves.