Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I had this debate with you before. How you can’t accept that a lockdown was needed after Christmas 2020 makes me question your sanity to be honest.


What good did the lockdown do?

Put everyone on a flat industrial wage for as long as lockdowns last…starting with the politicians, doctors and scientists. You’ll soon see a very different approach, and a very different science emerging from the makey uppy one that some simpletons have bought into


I can’t see any other way around it if the last 13 months are the precedent mate.

Okay, we’ve the vaccines but they’re not permament and are not guaranteed to stop transmission or provide full immunity. Will we have everyone in the country and everyone coming in vaccinated by then?

This is the zero covid route we are on - I totally disagree with it, but thats how I see it playing out potentially.

It prevented more cases and by implication more deaths by limiting social interaction.

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You have an extraordinarily simplistic way of looking at this problem. I was talking recently to four people, thirties to sixties, who got the virus in 2021. For most people, having Covid is no picnic while it lasts. Only a few would be happy to get it, I imagine.

Equally, ‘long Covid’ is a big issue for many people. There is the question now of reinfection. There is the question of variants. There is likewise the interplay between personal liberties and government actions – the ‘vaccine passport’ issue, as the shorthand goes.

All of these issues cannot be wished away by your blitheness or sloganeering about '‘zero Covid’.

but what about the wider societal and medical issues that its created?

the first lockdown was designed to build ICU and test and trace capacity which never happened

I agree we shouldn’t open everything up just yet. There should be a middle ground between the vulnerable being vaccinated and every single person in the country being vaccinated though for when we should get back to normal

Sure give me the logic and the facts, so. Where are they? What are they?

Give me the ABC, so to speak.

I’m against stupidity. The first lockdown in March was valid as we had no idea how bad things would get, and how well people would react to voluntary restrictions. After that you need to look at how well lockdowns worked in terms of containing spread, preventing a winter wave, and how bad the winter wave was. There’s plenty data to look at, but the evidence is that lockdowns after summer 2020 did nothing significant. From that point on only people’s behavior mattered, and the fact such a high percentage of the population had not been exposed. A high percentage having no immunity, a virus that spreads like wildfire, heading into winter when people are mostly indoors and have compromised immunity. A very bad combination.


It didn’t prevent 160k further cases and 2.6k deaths though did it?

And what you’re saying is speculative.

South Africa and India are examples of two countries who never entered lockdowns again when the “2nd/3rd wave” came and they did not fair any worse in relative terms than countries who did enter lockdowns.

No it’s not.

Look at India now - destroyed with Covid.

A = raspberry.

B = red.

C = strawberry.

But does A equal C?

before you even get to the hygiene, living conditions etc, the indian population density is over 5 times that of ireland

leave us wexicans out of it.

Exactly right.

Two months ago, we were being told India was done with Covid and on the brink of herd immunity.

Never have so many stupid people been so certain about so much – and so wrong.

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Is it?

India is a country of 1.4bn

178k daily cases is the Irish equivalent of 885 daily cases. Over a month after level 5 (early Feb) Ireland was still having in excess of 1k daily cases.

So was Ireland destroyed by Covid in spite of lockdowns or because of them? Something isn’t adding up here.


A lockdown was needed because your government told people in early December to go enjoy themselves over the holidays, go to the pub, and go to mass. Exactly the opposite of what they should have recommended.

But we had lockdown here throughout December and it made no difference, we were also devastated in January.

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But it was needed.

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And it didn’t work.