Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It’s a pretty clear roadmap really in fairness

im glad “demps” never played for Rovers


I think you’re mistaken… I asked were the comments I read elsewhere about Sweden’s/Ireland’s excess deaths correct. That’s all . I asked you or others to clarify. You saw the word Sweden and went off the far end I’d say…

So you were comparing Sweden to Ireland. Why?

I merely asked a question. They were two separate points of the same question… Fuck away back to your hash cookies, they might calm you down.

We actually need to drag a few lads out of their offices and set fire to them…if you catch my drift

That’s not very zen. I actually agree with you, comparing countries is fucking moronic. Since March of last year there has been literally minimal travel between countries and it’s simply not a significant factor in the spread of Covid, compared to say hospitals, nursing homes, house parties and funerals with hundreds of people, etc.

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Meehawls not even trying anymore

That gobshite Martin blaming it all on the British variant.


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Its s different virus absolutely no basis in science cunt


MM has about the same level of charisma as a stone.


So long as Cheltenham goes ahead as planned I believe that we can grind another few weeks out being the plucky little nation that we are. we will get through this


Ewan on :fire:


All he announced was schools were reopening. Nothing else of substance

The British variant. From Britain. That will be open by mid June.


Champ seemed pretty deflated there.

That’s the big thing anyway, schools are number 1.

I thought the vaccine rollout times were OK, better than I expected though I hadn’t been following the trajectory so maybe that was as expected or worse

The roaring twenties on the way.

The announcement was bigged up as the reopening of the country and road map. We knew the schools would open. There was nothing more. No targets etc. Chump just said case numbers, hospital numbers and vaccines will be monitored but nothing else

No identifiable metrics to signal progress or otherwise