Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The schools should have opened after Christmas. It was disgraceful that they didnt.


The die roaring twenties ?

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You surely weren’t expecting any shocks? Everything has been leaked here since the very start.
Bringing the schools back is a positive anyway, it’ll improve the mood of the country somewhat.

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The schools back is a big plus. Everything else can tip away if they can get vaccine roll out done we’ll be out the gap by middle of summer.


Yeah the vaccine numbers are better than previously projected and the only real positive but an important one.

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Scroll down a good bit for the plan for each level

All sport should be off? :face_with_monocle:

There’s no plan to ever get full crowds back? :fearful:

Yet here you are comparing countries over a couple of days in January…

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This easy to follow guide isn’t very easy to follow

Six more weeks, we’ll revisit it in a few weeks…
Shocking in fairness.

Agreed should never have closed but the unions reckon its the most risk area for covid

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How the fuck is that level 1? Do they think this is going to go on forever?

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Very dissapointing carry on from them,

Cases within schools across the world have been negligable, ASTI in particular have been shameful.

I don’t blame teachers for it - union bosses have a lot to answer for though.

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Agreed, the teachers hadn’t a clue what was going on and any I talked to wanted to go back ages ago.

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No offence, but I think that’s bullshit. If there was a backlash from the teachers to the union they’d have changed their tune fairly quickly. No union operates idependently of their members. Easy for them to say they wanted to be back when it suited most of them to be at home.


I read this on here 12 months ago. Holohan, the HSE and the complicit Irish media have a lot to answer for. The suppression of discussion and debate in this crisis has cost many lives.


It was basically an opportunity for him to row back on his stupid comments to the Mirror last Thursday. Nothing new, no details, no targets and no hope.

I talked to three and they had all emailed their unions expressing that they felt they were being misrepresented.

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Fair play to them.