Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Lookā€¦ We just need to get rich in crypto and retire to an island, learn irish to connect with our land, keep bees and grow vegetables and fuck the world.


But thereā€™s also a strong argument that religion played a vital role in our evolution as a species. At some point in distant history we left behind being roving bands of murdering hunter gatherers and settled down in groups of hundreds, sure we would have never been able to do if it were not for some unifying cultural thing that developed some kind of civilization in us. I know youā€™ve read Joseph Campbell so you know all this stuff, but organized religion was the natural offshoot of that. Itā€™s all myth, although as you say the philosophy of Christianity is actually quite good in terms of morality, and Jesus if he lived was undoubtedly influenced by Buddhism as his teachings are far from Judaism at the time at least.

Itā€™s a fascinating topic, would we have survived at all without religion, or developed as a species? All of western science as we know it was fostered by first Islam and then Christianity.


Western culture has nosedived since it turned itā€™s back on religion. The kids spend all day on their nintendos nowadays so they do


Dreadlocked apes like yourself @Lazarus never really see the bigger picture.

Take the PUP soup, what good is it to you?

God loves a trier pal

Would we have handled Covid better if we still had religion I wonder?

Without religion the people have nothing to fear but fear itself

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I woild love to go up to Galway and spend a nice few bob in your pub, to support independent business when things opĆØn up.

Genuinely relying on the PUP is a mugs game.

Couldnā€™t agree more. Shop local bro as much as possible when you can the next while. It will make all the difference

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We donā€™t need to be rich lad,just have money when you need it for the kids,I can do without as long as theyā€™re ok thatā€™s all that matters.Leaving your kids in a good place is all any parent should aspire to.


I avoid online shopping, I just donā€™t do it out of principal.

Its probably a bit mad, but seriously, its local now or nothing.

It is that serious in my view.


The government has given him no choice. Same here, 100,000 small businesses gone to the wall. Absolutely no reason for it, other than politicians donā€™t give a shit unless your name is Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey and you can influence opinion.


Good man. My lady friend deleted her Amazon Prime ac on the same principle. If enough people do the little things for the next year or two the country will be as good as new before we can say Limerck5inarow


Youā€™re a smart Galway born fella, fuck Facebook and all of those tech companies who are mining peoples data.

Irish people need to starrt backing their own. End of.

Online shopping, Iā€™m not doing it.Iā€™m going to shop locally.


Are we only realising governments are fuckin shit or were they always like this only weā€™re more aware now because of social media


You can shop online locally


I donā€™t shop online fullstop mate.

There is a great future if we can grab it. The big issue is the only ones in opposition now are the right, and government and the media, especially social media, are doing everything to both paint them as lunatics (ok maybe they are) and an evil that must be eliminated. The left have abandoned the very people they are supposed to represent.

Facebook have blocked anyone linking to the story about the BLM founder who out of one side of her mouth is telling people to burn down cities, get rid of policing and incarceration, while at the same time lives in a rich white suburb of LA and has been quietly building a large real estate portfolio.

Now fair play to her I say, but letā€™s call it for what it is, and it ainā€™t Marxism. And it certainly isnā€™t helping black people who live in the cities she wants burned down.

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I think we always knew they were shit, but we had no choice other than keep voting for the fuckers. I think it has dawned on a lot of younger people that they are only in it for the money, and they donā€™t actually give a fuck about anything else. They are great actors though and people love reality TV. I think there will be a revolution and fuck knows what will emerge from it.