Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You have an awful issue with religion.

You Pagan cunt :rofl:

I was in St Johns Cathedral there before Christmas for an anniversary mass, there is a lot of peace you can get from it, even now and then.

Swap minor for U-15s and Iā€™d have a similar tale to tell myself

You are, you just make it in your cells. The virus has something called a spike protein, which is the thing it uses to attach to the cells in your lungs. So to stop it you have to develop immune cells that target the spike protein. The vaccines all make the spike protein in your cells (wherever it was injected) and hopefully your immune system responds and makes the correct cells in response. It appears to be working, with very mild side effects in the vast majority of cases. Itā€™s a tremendous accomplishment in such a short period, the scientists who developed these vaccines deserve enormous credit.


Places of worship are extremely high risk of infection, crowds of people indoors with little ventilation, and singing to make it worse. One of the earliest super spreader events was in S Korea, hundreds infected in the same church from wan riddled old wan.

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I donā€™t know about the churches in the Bay area of California mate, but other than Christmas and Easter - social distancing in 90% of Catholic churches across the country here, could absolutely be done safely.

Thats a fact and it should be done.

Are they wearing two masks though?

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Hopping balls, grand job.

Will you give me a break ffs. Last year they were telling us to wash our hands for five minutes, every five minutes and not to touch our faces for fear weā€™d catch it through our eye sockets and at the same time that masks were useless. Now theyā€™re telling us the opposite. They are winging it and you know it.

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How do you think it spreads?

Science and medicine are broken for two reasons, greed and the desire for efficiency. When I go to my doctor with an ailment, 95% of the time he will prescribe a pharmaceutical product when excercise, nutrition and psychological support would be much more beneficial and probably prevent illness from recurring but then maybe there in lays the issue, no recurrence of illness, no repeat business.

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How did you think it spread last March?

The same was as it spread this March. Breathing.

So you disagreed with the science last March.

I did. If you go back to post #5,400 on the second Covid thread I was saying then it was airborne.

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Youā€™re a bright guy, open your eyes. You have the potential to make a great contribution to mankind, use it wisely and not to defend the indefensible. The wrong side of history is no place to be.

Are you saying itā€™s all a cod?

Organized religion is the greatest curse inflicted on human kind. Iā€™m a non believer but can see the virtue in something like Christianity. It was hijacked for power by the church. Read about the early church and popesā€¦ Money and control, thatā€™s all the church is. True Christianity is a way of living every day. Not rocking up to s building once aweek as part of a social club. Iā€™m sorry for all the old people brainwashed into that but thatā€™s not the word of Jesus or Christianity. In a similar light to Buddhism , Christian thought is supposed to be very much about individual improvement through actionā€¦ Instead Christians have become conditioned to believe itā€™s about the church, a fucking middle man.

A fuck it, Iā€™ve had a few and Iā€™m steamed here.


Relax Tommy.Have another one.


Youā€™re right more than youā€™re wrong pal.
