Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It’s Korma for them allowing Covid to spread.

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I don’t agree. They have knowingly tried to mislead a frightened public and, and political leaders, and their efforts have undermined the government’s (admittedly shit) approach.


I wouldn’t necessarily agree with that. The debacle at Christmas turned it right round. Politicians who were bellowing to open it up at Christmas did a 180 on it

Cabinet ministers have revealed the reopening plan to the Mail on Sunday supposedly. It goes as follows.


Week 1 - Click and collect retail. All construction

Week 2- All retail to open.

Week 3- Personal Services to open

Week 4- Increase in the number of household to meet outdoors Limited return of outdoor dining


Week 1 - Inter county travel

Week 2- Outdoor dining for pubs and restaurants

Week 3- Indoor dining and full opening of hotels B&Bs ( With all the social distancing requirements they used in 2020)

Week 4- Re opening of society complete

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I would take the view that it’s because we’ve had more restrictions than most EU countries for far longer periods, and because zero covid advocates have been given so much prominence and airtime.

The truth was somewhere in the middle indeed. But that’s not what ISAG stated because they wanted the government to come around to “our way of thinking”. So they willingly misled the government. The other stuff in the leaks shows a clear streak of arrogance. NPHET are “arse coverers”, politicians and journos are fools. Anybody that disagrees with us is a charlatan. A “stacked panel” is required to enter a debate. Dissenters must be met with a hurley in a dark room.

Gript’s background or editorialising doesn’t take away from the fact that ISAG’S MO is ramping up fear, a convenient relationship with the truth, arrogant dismissal of other scientists and experts and a view of the world consistent with those on a secure wage in an academic bubble where everyone can click and collect a book from their favourite bookstore in Blackrock.


Does that mean we can go to a match?

I’d know that pool table anywhere.

The public were frightened because cases were rising quickly. Because the truth was scary. We knew about the B117 variant, that it was more transmissible, and that a 70% more transmissible variant with the same lethality - which is what it was assumed B117 was, was much more serious for the public health situation than a hypothetical 70% more lethal virus with the same transmissibility. John Edmunds of SAGE in the UK had already called the spread of the variant in the UK “the worst moment of the pandemic”.

It became very apparent, very quickly in the days before Christmas that we needed to lock down hard and lock down quickly, and NPHET and the Government knew this themselves, they aren’t stupid.

The idea that ISAG’s emails were some sort of a “scandal” is like telling a weather forecaster that they are to blame for a storm. The job of a weather forecaster is also to warn people when a storm is approaching, as Michael Fish found out to his cost. You don’t say “weather forecasters are spreading fear”.

That this Gript propaganda trash gained any traction at all is bizarre and it really does make me question people’s state of mind.

Donnelly was on Radio 1 half an hour ago. He was not convincing.

But what ISAG was saying was true. It entirely reflected the reality of the situation.

Where would gyms feature there?

Personal service? What about the cinema?

Week 3 May but Donnelly said nothing has been discussed yet

Where’s the Club game in that?

The email was sent on 28th December. The ISAG line was "hook is the new strain is the key driver at the moment (which may or may not be true).

On 1st January, De Gascun released a study stating it wasn’t the key driver

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Anybody looking at the situation with any degree of objectivity had to assume the B117 variant was a key driver. It was unquestionably a key danger. The alternative - what Gript wanted - was to dismiss it as a threat.

Go back to December on this forum. Certain people were dismissing the B117 variant as a threat, that it had been hyped up by Boris Johnson for political reasons, when it was obvious this was not the case.

And if it wasn’t a key driver, wouldn’t that have been an even scarier situation? Because the mass spread of Christmas would have been because of the less transmissible variant, not the more transmissible one?

This was an incredibly serious situation and it was clear that acting quickly and acting decisively was paramount.

Who would you trust, those who take the emergence of a new, more transmissible variant seriously amid a situation which was already incredibly serious, or those who wanted to dismiss that variant as a threat?

What does this mean?

You’re playing the man here and bringing in Gript’s agenda. Gript undoubtedly have an agenda but the ISAG content is presented verbatim and the reader can make up their mind as to it’s veracity.

Why was De Gascun presenting a study to the media on a date after the email outlining ISAG’s agenda, that based on a scientific study stated it wasn’t a key driver. Is De Gascun dismissing the variant as a threat? Maybe we should fire him for not being objective and replace him with the neuroscientist and Geographer.